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Simarah Faith


Exodoeslife 8:45 AM
→to me iamredeemed

In my black room I was all alone, maybe this faith of mine is called black faith, but when you came into my life, my black world turned into white, you spread God's light unto mine. All along I was having a mental breakdown, this anxiety and depression of mine become worst day by day but when you told me that God has a great plan for me, I wasn't sure about it. Everyday you sent motivations for me, I fell in love with how you encouraged me, I'm slowly starting opening my life to God. I am willing to accept God as my saviour but when my parents don't believe my nonsense, I was discouraged again but you never give up on me. You showed me how brave you are when I was about to kill my own life, you did stay by my side and slowly opened my eyes again to God. I have lot to say to you when I can visit there again, I really miss you, love. Thank you, see you soon!

Have a great day, love!

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