Promised Kept Till The End

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Months have passed after the attack they were a lot of reports in the news of how Blood hell is attacking and destroying cities with no mercy. In those months that passed Maya,Notics, and Ace were made into Professional cadets and they were now commanders. As for Seven she became a higher ranked spy and also a commander to other spies and Ciel he still the same just sitting in a chair and doing some business work with the people he has connections with. Three year has passed and there was now more destruction than there was back then now people joined the military and some joined Blood Hell just to kill. As the destruction grew Ace,Notics,Maya, and Seven were now busy with training and commanding people to do what they need to. Until all five of them were called to their Cornel Zeref/Z he explained how they need to get rid of that group to have peace once again and go back to the way it was back then. So he sent all five to a special mission called "Extinction Of Demons" and just them because they knew that the day was going to come when they will have to kill them and even if it hurts them they will do it for the people that did nothing to deserve anything. So as they travel they only found destroyed cities of where they have been but as they passed a city they were getting closer to them because the cities would look fresh from an attack and as they were nearing they finally saw them standing their Xehanort,Xemnas,Scyler, and Rave. As they got closer they were being surrounded by the people in the organization, until they came to a stop in front of them. "Has the time come whoa I never thought that it would be this quick, but its seems we're going to end this today here and now just the ten of us. Their will only be one victor because this world is too small for all of us 10 and only us five will survive while the other five will die today. Now come and we will kill you nice and slowly!" said Xemnas. "We accept the challenge and we will be the ones killing you guys even if you were our friends we will end this here and now and free the people from their misery. Now let us get started shall we" said Maya. Soon they were fighting for life or death. The fighting continued for hours but as time passed they were all getting tired. Until the last hour they were already injured and tired but they did not give up. "THIS ENDS HERE AND HOW AND WE SHALL BE THE VICTOR!!!!!!!" both groups said as they charged at each other with they last remaining energy they have. As they clashed Seven,Notics,Ace, and Ciel (who happens to tag along even though he is not apart from the mission but still tag along) killed Xehanort,Scyler,Raven, and Diz but Seven was killed while killing Rave (both killed each other). As Xemnas and Maya were still fighting Maya was finally able to kill him by shooting him right in the heart "Goodbye old friends even after that promise when we got separated was still there even until the day everyone dies that promise still exist within in each of us. Now let their be a moment of silence for our old friends and for our fallen comrade Seven who is now with them and laughing. Rest In Peace my dear friends until we meet again. Goodbye" Maya said. And so there was a moment of silence only their cries were heard and it hurt them that they lost their dear old friends and also Sven who was always their for them like a sister giving advice to them. Finally the war was now over but they knew that the problems will never end but they will still keep fighting to protect a "Dystopia Worth Fighting For!"

-The End

Thanxs to all the people who read it and I hope you enjoyed it. Thanx You!!!!

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