Is this the end?....

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EunJi pull a knife and cut herself.She then put the blood on Chorong's mouth.Chorong fell hard on the floor and pass out.Her lips was so pale and her face look so white like her blood is not circulating on her body.

Suho struggle but he can't do anything.EunJi was walking towards him with a smile on her face when suddenly there's a really loud lighting.Chen and D.O. appear in front of them.EunJi's expression was unreadable but one thing is for sure she's boiling with anger.

"EunJi,let's stop this now.Don't do this to your son." D.O. said in a sweet voice but EunJi laugh evily.She hold Suho's neck and choke him.Her long fingers started to make a wound on his neck.

"EunJi!" D.O. yell "Your killing him." He then tried to stop EunJi but she was strong.Bats appear and attack Chen and D.O. while EunJi let go of Suho and attack them with smokes and balls of water.

"Chen take care of Suho and Chorong." D.O. commanded then push EunJi.They both disappear in the thin air.

EunJi's P.O.V.
When I open my eyes I saw a familiar place.It's the river that separates heaven and hell.The place where D.O. broke his promise and left me crying.

I hate him.I'm gonna kill him.I'm gonna kill everyone.That's all I know.That's the reason why I came back.They ruined my life and I will ruined theirs too.

I open my wings and fly really high.D.O. follow me and I started attacking him.He was blocking my attack but he's not fighting back.I throw a powerful black smoke that has some kind of poison on it.I watch as he fell on the ground.I walk towards him and took out a small knife.This will be your end D.O..

"An angel who fell in love with a devil or should I say the angel who play with a devil's heart?" I said as I make my way towards him "I'm not the devil but you are!" I stare at him fiercely.I ran my sharp fingers through his skin and it started to bleed.(When angel and devil hurt each other it won't heal quickly)

"I will kill you!" I yelled at him,my heart don't know anything but hatred "I will not let you be happy while on the other side I'm suffering alone!!"

I raise my hand and was about to stab him with the knife but I stop.He's crying.His tears makes me stop.Why is he crying? Why is he not fighting back?

"EunJi I'm sorry..I did that for your own sake.I did that to protect you and to stop the war.I didn't know that this is were we will end up to." He cried while looking directly onto my eyes.Like some spell was gone,my heart feel better.I drop the knife and hold his bleeding cheeks.

"EunJi I'm really sorry.I love you so much.I really do." I was drown on his sincere eyes but then I hear some whispers.

"EunJi,he's lying,he never loved you." I hold my head "he said hurtful words to you and that's not how you express love.Kill him,Just kill him!!!!"

D.O.'s P.O.V.
EunJi hold her head and back away from me.I walk towards her but she shook her head and keep backing away.

She throw the knife and I pick it up "Kill me..I don't want to hurt anyone.D.O. kill me!" She said.I shook my head but she yell at me "We need to end this now before I hurt all of you.Kill me!"

I don't want to.I can't kill the one I love so much.I can't kill the only girl who I love all this years.The only one who makes my heart flutter and nervous but happy at the same time.

EunJi's eyes turn red and black tattoo's spread on her cheeks.She smirk at me and her eyes look so strong that it makes my legs turn into jelly.

"I will kill you!!" She ran towards me.I avoid her attacks and I slowly get tired of it.We fly high to the sky and she keep attacking me.My hand was bleeding but I don't care.I won't kill her.

"Kill me! I don't want to hurt anyone.." her words echo on my mind.I don't want to kill her,I can't and I won't.

"Are you tired? Let me end this now." She said seriously and attack me.Her power send me flying on the other side of the river.

My body hit the ground really hard.I look up but I can't see EunJi anymore.I look around and saw her smirking while taking an angel's soul.I was shock by what she just did.Is killing her the right thing? Will she be happy if I kill her?

I'm sorry EunJi.I use all my remaining strength and sprint to her.I hug her tight "EunJi I miss you so much and I will miss you for the rest of my life." I let her go and she fell on the ground with the knife on her heart.She smile at me and turn into ashes.

I fell on my knee and cry my heart out.I just kill the one who I love more that my life.What is my life for now?

At the hospital
"Suho I can't do anything about Chorong.EunJi's blood is too strong for Chorong to overcome.She will lost control of herself and will be a wild demon." Chen said to Suho.

Suho shook his head "Your a liar! This can't happend!" Suho carry Chorong "I will bring her to Lay."

"Lay can't do anything to help her either." Chen took Chorong form Suho "Let's wait for D.O." Chen said calmly.Suho punch Chen.

"You want me to wait? You said that Chorong will turn into a wild demon and you want me to wait!!!" Suho's hand turn into fist.

Chen sigh in defeat "I don't know what will happen to you two but try bringing her to our kingdom.Leader might know what to do." Chen gave Chorong back to Suho and disappear.

Chorong slowly open her eyes "Joon....Myeon your a-awake." She smile weakly at him."Choronh-ah...I'm sorry.It's all my fault." Suho said.Chorong shook her head and wipe Suho's tears."It's not your fault.Your an angel but you came here on earth.I don't know the reason why but I'm sorry for making it hard for you."

Suho's eyes widened.He didn't know that Chorong knew about him being an angel."Chorong-ah how did-Chorong-ah!! Wake up!!!" Suho put Chorong down on her bed and call her name but she won't open her eyes.

Guys tnx for reading my fanfic.Tnx for the comments and likes.Sorry for this boring chapter hehe....

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