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I sat next to Chorong,examining her pale face.She's been sleeping for two days now but the doctor said that she will wake up either today or tomorrow.I wish that she will wake up today.She have order to see me.

"Chorong-ah,please wake up now." I lean closer and whisper at her "I have to go but I don't want to left you without saying my goodbye properly.You know that I love you,right?" I tears escape my eyes and I quickly wipe it "I believe that angels need a place to live and return to...that place is the heaven BUT for me it's you.Your my heaven Chorong-ah but no matter how I see it,angels are not for human,angels will always need to return where they really need to be."

"Joon Myeon!" I turn around and saw Luhan glaring at me.I approach him and smile "You just ruined our moment." I grab his shoulders "Take care of Chorong for me."

Luhan brush my hands away from his shoulder "Why would I? She's your girlfriend! Take responsibility Joon Myeon!" He yelled at me "I know everything but you can't just leave her like this! She suffer enough already" Luhan turn around,ready to walk out "I will look for Lay,Chen,Tao or whoever is there who can help you.Don't leave just yet.I will find a way if your too coward!"

I grab Luhan and punch him "You don't understand Luhan!! No one can help me anymore! If I decided to stay here Chorong will turn into a demon again because staying here means taking half of my life back,which I decided to give to Chorong!!!"

Luhan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.I chuckle bitterly "Don't you love Chorong since you guys were young? This is an opportunity for you."

Luhan look at Chorong while taking "Chanyeol said that when I left,Chorong was always crying." He shifted his gaze at me "I'm not greedy Joon Myeon.I let the chance slip away.I left Chorong when she loved me and now that I'm back she loves you." He took a deep breath "I don't want to see her cry.I don't want to force her to like me and be happy with her while I know that inside she will always love you."

All I can see was sincerity in Luhan's eyes while he was talking.Maybe if I didn't came here on earth and stay as Chorong's guardian angel,Luhan was her boyfriend now.Maybe if we didn't met she will be happy with Luhan and feel the love that she deserve.She will not feel the pain that I will cause.

I look outside the window.Right now it's already 2 Am "When the sunrises and the morning come I need to go.Take care of Chorong.I know you won't make her cry.Make her forget about me,Luhan..."

"Where are you going?" I was shock and when I turn around I saw Chorong with a watery eyes.Luhan look at me then left the room.

"Don't go...." Chorong lowered her head so I can't see her face but I know that she's crying.I sat next to her and lift her chin.I look directly in her eyes.

"Chorong-ah~ I know it's hard but please...forget about me and start a new life.Luhan will be here for you." I tried not to cry.I want her to remember me but I don't think it's a good idea.She rather move on and have a happy life than remember and become miserable because of me.

She shook her head violently "I don't want to! You said that you will protect me!You said that you love me!You said that you want me to think of you whenever I see this necklace" she said pointing at the necklace I gave her "But how will that happened if you want me to forget about you?" She finally burst out crying.

"I love you Chorong-ah.I'm doing this to protect you and even if I'm not next to you I will always watch over you and protect you as long as I can." I hold her hands tightly "I 'me not saying that you need to erase me on your memory.My only wish is that I want you to move on like you never met me,like everything didn't happened."

"All your saying is non-sense!!!!" She yelled then ran out of the room.I followed her but then I bump to a student.

"I'm sorry sir." She said then I help her pick up her books."I should be sorry not you." I look at her name tag "I need to go now Seohyun-ssi." I said then I gave her books to her before running to the garden where Chorong went.

I saw her sitting on a swing.I back hug her and ask "Want to get out of here for a while?" She didn't answer.I kneel down and hold her face "Let's go my Heaven~" I smile then wipe her tears "I promise you that you will be happy.A lot of people is here for you."

I piggy back her as we walk on the busy road of Seoul.I don't care about the people who look at us strangely like we are a three headed alien.Right now there's only me and Chorong against the world.

When we get to the bus stop Chorong was sleeping.I sat her next to me and let her rest her head on my shoulder while I hold her hands thightly.

Chorong's P.O.V.
I woke up when Joon Myeon kiss both of my cheeks.When I'm finally relief thinking that everything that happened earlier was just a dream Joon Myeon smile sadly at me.

"Chorong-ah this might be the last time you will see me so don't cry and act natural like nothing will happened." He said.It broke my heart to face the reality but I know I have to.

"This cave" He started,I look around and we were inside a cave "Is were Jessica and Donghae spend their remaining time together.This time I won't promise you to meet me in your next life because I don't want this fate to be repeated for the third time.I want to let you go now."

Silence filled the air.Not too soon I found myself hugging Joon Myeon tightly while crying.I don't want this to end.

When I finally calm down Joon Myeon took me outside to watch the sunrise together.He hold my hand and lean his head on my shoulder.

Please don't disappear even when the morning comes.

"I guess this is goodbye?" I ask,nearly tearing up.Joon Myeon chuckle then face me.His eyes are watery and so was mine.He lean closer then kiss me gently.I put my hand on his cheeks,wiping his tears.Before I even pull away from him I felt that I was alone.There's no presence of Joon Myeon anywhere.

I fell on the floor crying so hard than ever "Take me to the place where you live,oppa.You can't just leave me here!!" I yell as I look around for him "It doesn't matter even if we are going on the other end of the long as I'm with you." I sob "Please don't go!Don't disappear.You kindly came into my life then you will rudely walk out?"

Chorong bend down and look at her son who's frowning and whining.

"Umma!Umma! Please tell me what happened next.I want to know.Is that the end? The angel disappear?" Her son,Xiumin said.There's a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Chorong smile at her son "Xiumin,it's time to sleep.Umma is tired.Let's save the rest for tomorrow night." Chorong stand up and pull the cover up so it will cover half of her son's body.

Xiumin close his eyes and drifted to the dream land.Chorong kiss his forehead before going to her room.

She lay down on the king size bed and loneliness hit her.She misses him so much even though she knows that it's her fault why he's not next to her.Even though she said those words that she didn't meant to say.

Her mind was not ready to let Joon Myeon go yet but her heart was ready to let go.She was feeling lonely but it was also her fault for not telling her husband the things that she really felt and the words that he wants to hear from her.She was hiding all her feelings for him.

Xiumin,Chorong wants to tell you what happened next but I wouldn't let her.We should save it for the epilogue,ok? Ahahaha!

So guys,this is the last Chapter.I will only upload the epilogue if this chapter reach 35 reads and 5 votes. (Evil laugh) You guys are curious on what happened to Suho,right? Who do you think Chorong's husband is? Is it Suho or Luhan....or maybe another character? Merong~ I won't tell you guys! Wait for the epilogue.

Have you guys watch EXO's new song Love me right? It's so awesome.My EXO oppa were all so handsome and charismatic.Hehe...I died watching it.Joke! EXO-L always support EXO.

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