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Suho finish reading the book.He scan the book shelf but he can't find the second book.He was really interested,specially D.O.'s name and his name or should we say Donghae's name was written in the book.

Suddenly the door open and Chorong and Luhan came inside.

"Yah! Oppa that was really fun.We should do it again." Chorong said brightly as she close the door behind her.

"Sure,what about tomorrow? Are you free?" Luhan ask as shyly.

Chrong laugh and pinch Luhan's cheeks "I would love to,but I can't.I need to go back to the hospital for a check up."

Luhan pout but think of a good idea. "I'm free tomorrow so I can accompany you."

Suho can't held back his jealousy so he interrupt them "Her mom entrust her to me so I will take care of her tomorrow.You've done enough Mr.Deer."

Chorong laugh and walk towards Suho.She lean closer to him and whisper. "Someone is jealous.Don't worry you can have your Luhan deer all day but first you need to clean your mess." She step back and point at the pile of books on the table.

"What do you mean? Luhan is not my deer and" Suho look down "He's not the one I want to spend my day with."

"Aww~ how cute.You don't need to be embarrass.You can meet your crush.You want to spend the day with her,right?" Chorong force a smile.

"Ding! Your wrong." Luhan said "Are you blind? Of course he want to spend the day with you."

Chorong's face got red "Oppa,what are you saying." she turn and run upstairs "I will change my clothes."

"See you around,my rival." Luhan said then leave.

Suho sigh and clean his mess.When he turn around he saw someone on the backyard calling him.He open the door and the wind blow his hair.A man was standing smiling at him,wearing all white.

"Kris,what are you doing here? Chorong might see you." Suho whisper to Kris.

"Don't worry I will leave fast but first I need to tell you something important." Kris said then took out a crystal bottle. "Everyone can feel that something bad will happen and someone who's suppose to be gone will return bringing danger with her.That person's target is you."

"Me? What did I do? Who is she?" Suho ask worriedly.

"I don't know either but leader told me to give this to you." Kris give Suho the bottle "Once you drink this your power will return."

"Should I drink it now?" Suho ask.Kris nodded then disappear into the thin air.

Suho look at the bottle then drink it.Suddenly his wings open and a bright light surrounded him.The time seems to stop and a man appear in front of him.

"Suho,you only have 30 days left.Also I came here to tell you that use your power to protect Chorong.If something happens to her your life will be in danger but she can't see you using your power or else you will lose your power.Right now Chorong don't have a guardian angel so that means it's easy for the devils to hurt her so your job is to be her guardian angel again."Tao explain,Suho was about to talk but Tao disappear and the time started again.

As soon as Suho hide his wings Chorong went to the backyard.

"Joon Myeon do you want to come with me? I wan't to go eat outside." Chorong offer.Suho get nervous and so he ran and drag Chorong with him.

They arrive at the restaurant.While Suho was ordering a mysterious girl wave at Chorong and gesture for her to follow.Like enchanted Chorong follow the girl and she found herself in the middle of the road.A car was heading her way,Chorong close her eyes then BOOM.

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