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Guys,your comments makes me really happy.I'm happy to know that you guys like my book and want to read the next chapter.After this chapter is the last chapter and the epilogue.So here it is...Boyfriend.
Chorong's P.O.V.
I was washing the dishes when Luhan came to the kitchen.He smile at me and push me slightly aside.

"Let me do this,Chorongie." I know that inside his smile he's really hurt.I was staring at him and I didn't notice it until he spoke "'s not fair.I confess to you first but you answered him first."

Flash back
I enter Luhan's hospital room.I saw him lying there looking at the ceiling,look like he's deep on his thoughts.I sat next to him and he was pretty startled.

"Luhan-nie,are you ok?" I ask as I examine his face.A smile appear on his lips and he hold my hands.I didn't felt weird or anything.We always hold hands when we were young.

"Chorongie...don't you feel anything?" He ask me.I was confuse so I shook my head.I didn't really feel anything but his next words make my heart beat faster "Chorongie,can you look at me more than just a friend?...because I always look at you as a woman and not just a sister or best friend."

"I..I don't know what your trying to say." I lied.I don't know what to say to him.He's always there for me but I'm not sure how I feel towards him.I know I like him when we were still younger but now? I don't know.

"Chorongie I love you.I love you the first time I saw you." I didn't expect him to say those words.I thought he was just playing around but I'm so wrong,he was serious.I didn't say a word.

"I will wait for your respond.I want to know your feelings too." I just nodded my head and smile.Someone makes my heart beat really fast and that is not you Luhan.I'm sorry.

End of flash back

I was silent.I feel really bad for him but I can't tell my heart who to love.Awkward silence filled the kitchen but thankfully Joon Myeon came.

"Luhan let me do that.Your a guest so you should rest or play with Chanyeol." He said then look at me.

"I want to play with Chorong though." Luhan pout "Chorongie let's go play and let Joon Myon do all the work."

I chuckle.He offer his hands and I was about to hold it but Joon Myeon came in the middle. "Your too old to play.Just do the dishes." He glare at Luhan.Luhan stick his tongue out and run away.

"You do the dishes!" I heard Luhan yell then enter a room.Probably Chanyeol's room.I smile at how childish they can be but when I turn around I saw Joon Myeon looking upset.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" I ask but he walk away and do the dishes.I help him and when we finish I tried to talk to him and look at his eyes but he refuse to make eye contact.

I sigh "You!" I point at him.He look at me then look away like a little kid.I control my laughter "Go on the balcony with me."

I stand up and went to my room's balcony and he followed me.I look at him but he just look away.

"Tell me what's wrong.Did I do anything wrong?" I ask him with my puppy eyes.He finally look at me and hug me.

"I hate seeing you look at Luhan a lot.Do you like him?" He ask.I can't see his face but I know that he look really upset.

I sigh and look at him "I must admit that I used to like him and until now I still like him." I stop talking and observe his face to tease him and just as I expected he tried to hide his angry and sad expression but he failed.His face was red. "But not as strong as before.I only like him as a best friend because I have you now and only you.I like you very much,I love you very much!" I said then pinch his cheeks.

"Really?" He ask with sparkling eyes.I nodded my head then frown.I need to take revenge.I look away and he look confuse.

"You,aren't you gonna ask me to be your girlfriend?" He was taken aback,maybe because I was too straight forward? Hahaha! "Getting all jealous and over protective when your not even my boyfriend yet." I said it like a whisper but I also make sure that he can hear it.

He smirk and I was shock when I found my self kissing him.Gosh I was suppose to take revenge because he make me so worried about him being upset.

He pull away "I got you now Park Chorong." he kneel down and pull out a small box,he open it and there's a really sparkling necklace with a silver wing pendant on it.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I will make you happy as long as I can." He said.I was so touch.I hug him and cry on his shoulder.

"I was just kidding but I didn't know you will really ask me.When did you brought that necklace?" I ask still hugging him.I don't want to let go.

"I have it since I was born,so take care of it and when you see it think of me while smiling not crying." He hug me tightly as he said those words.I pull away from our hug and wipe his tears.

"Why are you crying?" I ask with a teasing voice.He didn't answer but pull me again into a hug.There's something wrong with him and I can sense it.Does it has something to do with the thing that he needs to give up in order to saved me?

"Don't worry I'm perfectly fine.I just want to stay like this longer." He said then buried his face on my hair.

It's been 5 days since our life came back to normal.Me and Joon Myeon never talk about what happened weeks ago.We never talk about our stay in Heaven and about him being an angel.I don't care,he's a human now and he love me that's all I need to know.

We were taking a morning walk.He was holding my hands and keeping it warm because he said that lately my hands were always cold and my skin look paler.

I look at him but suddenly my vision was spinning.I squeeze his hand tighter and he look at me worriedly.He say something but I didn't hear him clear.Suddenly my world was black and I faint.

What's happening to me? I tried to open my eyes but I just can't.I tried to move or talk but I can't.My body feel really week.I don't have any energy to talk or move.

Suho's P.O.V.
I quickly bought her to the hospital and the doctor bring her to the operating room.After waiting for so long finally the doctor came out.

"Looks like her sickness is coming back.We will do more test on her but for now she need to stay here.Maybe for 4 weeks.Her heart is getting weaker." The doctor said before leaving me there,processing all the things that he said.

Looks like I need to say my good bye to her while she's here.I laugh sarcastically at my self and punch the wall.

"Why now?!" I scream "How could I just left her alone while she's having a hard time?!! I don't want to make it harder for her! I just want to leave her with happy memories but how could that happened if she's here?!! I will just make it harder for her!!"

Bye readers! See you guys on my next update.I hope you guys like this chapter even though it's kinda boring.Support EXO and Apink.Saranghaja!!!

I have two fanfics right now.Please check it out.

#Dreams (Donghae and Jessica)
#Heaven (Suho and Chorong)

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