season 2 | chapter 20 (v.i)

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THE LACK OF sight held them captive to a primitive kind of darkness

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THE LACK OF sight held them captive to a primitive kind of darkness.

An eerie silence consumed the vast space of the Dimension of Oblivion. Taking on the responsibility of collecting the components of the Moon Goddess' Legendary Scepter hadn't fully resided in Hilary, Tyson and Max's consciousness until that moment, draped by the hazardous void expanding everywhere.

One could dwell on its possible infinity. They didn't perceive the world through the futile fantasy of those who refused to remove their rose-colored glasses, hanging on them with desperate hope. The obstacles placed strategically on their path served the purpose of proving their loyalty and genuinity.

They had to move past the unavoidable helplessness that began to nestle.

"Your mother wasn't joking when she said we won't be able to see a thing, was she, Hilary?" Tyson asked, his voice echoing through the emptiness, almost leaving a reverberating note. The full grasp of the fact sped up Tyson's heartbeat. The anxiety of the unknown was no new experience, yet he had to clear the fog in his mind and view the challenge with clarity. It was the only way he could start redeeming himself to Hilary's appreciation after the mortifying pranks he pulled on her throughout the years.

He was a fool back then, unaware of the true potential within a wizard, but first and foremost, ignorant of the greatness he could reach if he set his mind on the proper reaping and sowing of his inner power, giving it the right push to fruition.

His inability of vision of himself, or others, let alone deliver the required help overshadowed his goals.

Hilary brushed aside his redundant observation. Small steps would lead them forward.


At the sound of her voice casting the spell, Tyson fixated his focus on her. He caught glimpses of her silhouette as her hands standing still on her sides glowed. She lifted them in a wide circular motion, her apocalyptic light uncovering the secrets of the dimension that made people's skin crawl.

Silver-framed portraits of people they didn't recognize flashed before them, unburied from the dust of oblivion. Their features were altered to an extent one could've doubted whether the pictures depicted human creatures. Albeit they were distinctive, all of them shared one common trait: the ultimate fear of inadequacy to change the aftermath of their choices. They couldn't rewrite the stars to save themselves and their loved ones from fate.

Fate. One word, endless meanings. Whether one believed in it or not was a decision each person had to make.

If he could reassure himself about one thing, Tyson didn't have to wonder twice about it. There was a hand out there, a greater power, beyond the clouds of Sun Gods and Moon Goddesses, beyond this universe altogether and everything they considered knowledge about it, guiding them through this magnificent, irrational at times journey of living and breathing, of becoming something, a person.

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