season 1 | chapter 18

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"I FEEL LIKE dying

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"I FEEL LIKE dying."

Ever since they descended from the bus, they have been climbing the steepy forest. Tyson was already toying with the thought that he'd dug a grave for himself the moment he agreed to participate.

His T-Shirt was clinging to his skin beneath his dark blue bomber jacket, his feet were aching and his lips were dry. He'd never imagined the day where the need for hydration would become equal with the need for oxygen would arrive.

He wanted to ask desperately just how long they had to keep going. Instead, he bit his tongue and talked himself out of it. He wasn't supposed to be here from the beginning since he turned seventeen in November. He didn't have the right to participate while being underage and lacked an Academic ID.

Tyson owed the opportunity of joining the teams to Indra, who presented his papers to the council and characterized his case exceptional, something he couldn't agree more with.

For nineteen years olds and a wind wielder, Tyson's power was raging and intensifying with Kai's training. There were no second guesses as far as his participation was concerned. It was crucial due to a truth the stuff was aware of and the students wouldn't speak to each other, but all of them acknowledged; that Tyson was a wizard with actual potential the Academy rarely found in personalities as boisterous as his.

Tyson conceded to the conclusion that his skills were both a blessing and a curse.

The teams could have been wandering in the forest for half an hour if it wasn't for Indra leaving no room for objections about the clearing they were heading to. She was positive they were taking steps in the right direction and no one dared to think about doubting her, let alone opposing her.

Lyla shot him a sideways glance. Half an hour by foot wasn't dramatic. The distances she had to cross within Estrella were longer. The bus she was using to get to Goldstream didn't drop her off at the same station whenever she was taking it to return home. It stopped at the back of another block. As a result, she had to walk twenty minutes before she opened the door of her house, kicked her shoes off and plopped on the couch with every muscle in her screaming exhaustion.

However, Tyson's complaints disagreed.

His schedule wasn't as tight as hers, yet he was still creating an issue about the dirt on his Converse shoes and the grassy color etched on their sole.

"We haven't been walking that long," Lyla told him. And, you're exaggerating was the addition she told herself not to voice aloud. She was in no position to scold him. She'd do the same sometimes.

Her shoulders slumped for an instant. Kai wasn't wrong when he told her to give words to her thoughts, even if they were insignificant.

It wasn't like she wouldn't express a part of the universe in her head, but she was surprised that she'd encountered someone who proved her wrong about her confidence. The message he passed to her indirectly was that she needed to work more on her inside. More than she already had.

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