season 1 | chapter 08

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THE RELAXATION AREA in the Soft Cerulean, the second floor of the Academy, was nothing like anyone would imagine

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THE RELAXATION AREA in the Soft Cerulean, the second floor of the Academy, was nothing like anyone would imagine. Goldstream Academy students didn't bother to make empty guesses; the building was full of surprises with various hidden passageways, gates destined to teleport people in places unseen and walls which could be passed through and lead to an entirely different era. Although the last part was a myth, Lyla preferred to believe it was true. In a world of magic, the impossible could no longer exist and the surreal could become reality.

It was scary to have the knowledge anything could happen. The craziest creature could jump out of a corner and skin her alive. It made the hairs of her arms stand on end.

For a Dragon Empress, it would be an embarrassment to have anxiety about petty things. So what if a monster decided to go on a killing spree? She could blast it with a single attack. Still, it wasn't pleasant to come face to face with the epitome of ugliness which would change after missions. It ruined her aesthetic.

She sighed heavily, her shoulders tensing momentarily before slumping. She was glad the Academy allowed students to have a taste of what missions felt like, especially the danger after they were seventeen. At least that was realistic, unlike movies where fourteen-year-olds would be sent to fight the evil and save the universe. It was laughable and a lie. Lyla wanted to pull her hair when those said kids were part of a space adventure, guiding spaceships between the stars. The bad guy of the hypothesis would appear out of nowhere and they would defend themselves with laser rays, exploiting the ship's mechanisms to level up their game.

Then again, growing up with Barbie being able to do all the careers in the world wasn't realistic either.

She ascended the staircase, her eyes tracing the delicate patterns of the balusters, her hand secured around the banister. She wouldn't make the mistake of slipping and bumping on her butt again. Thank God when that happened, no one was present to make a joke out of it. Her ass was wounded, not her pride.

The second floor wasn't packed in contrast to the ground floor or the third floor; the Pale Emerald. She could walk past the students without bumping into the hallway. Although the hallway of the ground floor was vast, the same couldn't be said for the one in the Soft Cerulean, or the third floor. The Golden Era, the fourth floor, could be rivaled if it was a little more expanded.

She was walking past the paintings framed elegantly on both sides of the wall. The majority were flowers surrounded by pots decorated with patterns, the pastel colors relaxing her vision, brought to life by great talents with an indescribable love for art.

There was a plethora of abstract art as well, and Lyla couldn't help but smile. Abstract art was emotions poured into colors mixed together to depict the inner universe of a person. It was one of the reasons why she loved the Cerulean Floor. She found comfort, aside from the enthusiasm about the astronomical observatory. She had bugged Hilary to go together and observe the stars through her telescope but the latter would make up an excuse about the room needing renovations.

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