season 2 | chapter 20 (vii)

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Hi friends!

I'm SO SO SOOO HAPPY to tell you that after this chapter, we have 2 MORE TO GO AND ARC TWO IS FINALLY COMPLETE.

I can't believe I'm typing these words after three years of writing this arc on and off (you can't imagine how happy I am).

One important change: Mariah Allister is now a music fairy instead of a nature fairy. I will edit during Easter Holidays all previous chapters as well for minor (or heavy if there are, but I hope not) mistakes.

Please do tell me if you enjoyed the chapter in the comments below. A vote is always highly appreciated too since we feel that our work, our writing voices are seen and heard.

Much love,

Pavlina x.


AFTER SO LONG they were finally alone.

Mariah walked a few steps behind Johnny, the light of the sun casting its toyful, radiant rays on her face. Albeit the journey to the mountain's top to collect the last rays of the sunset was wonderful as the nature around them bloomed in spring, her mind was wandering to places where a familiar warning rang to protect her heart.

Today she couldn't have cared less.

There was a shift in the atmosphere between them, almost tangible, the past two weeks. Working together for another songwriting project for Ms. Chantelles's class was nothing new.  Mariah was always thrilled to collaborate with Johnny. His musical talent in both the compositional and the executional part was exceptional. It inspired her to become a better singer and writer, yet ever since they completed the song for the task he grew distant.

There were moments she couldn't recognize him anymore.

He'd veered his focus on his friends and on the courses. It was a remarkable change and Mariah's happiness heightened. Classes weren't his strong point and she'd provide any help he'd need without a second thought.  Everything was normal if it weren't for his sudden, inexplicable twist of behavior towards her.

His greetings in the hallway were forced and anger would rise within her when she managed to read once the pity in his gestures. Whenever she made an attempt to speak to him with her usual, enthusiastic aura he'd stand edgy and cut the conversation short, as if he had better things to distribute his time to instead of talking to her.

There was no solid reason Mariah could come up with to solve the mystery behind this alteration and it drove her insane.

She was prepared to confront him about it. She wasn't going to stall what was inevitable. Her fears of judgment by their social circle were erased.

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