i'm sorry, will.

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(mikes pov)

we had defeated the mind flayer. everything was over. el was safe. will was safe. we were all safe. there was just one thing on my mind. i never said sorry to will about that night. i was just like everyone else who tormented him. i called him gay. i went up to will and his mom.

"hey mike" will greeted me.

"hi will, i have something i need to talk to you about something" i told him

" i had something i had to tell you too"

"well uh follow me, it's a little bit private" i said gesturing will to follow me.

when we got somewhere more private i sat down and so did he.

"i just wanted to say, i'm really sorry for the other night. i shouldn't have said that to you. i'm no better than troy and james."

"it's okay mike, you really are stupid sometimes. i can't blame you for that" will teased.

"what were you gonna say?"

"oh. i-uh it feels weird telling you this after you just apologized to me, but in two months, me, el, johnathan and my mom, we're moving to california in a month. after everything that happened to me and el, joyce thinks it'll be safer."


"you can still call and write though right? i can visit you, or you can visit me still? i never thought i'd have to live in hawkings without you since you were missing." i pulled will up from sitting and hugged him tight. "i love you so much, i can't lose you"

did i just say that? i can't believe myself. i let go of will. 

"i should probably go back to see my mom before she gets worried" will said leaving.

i decided to go home. i found my mom and i hugged her. we almost never did that. i can't believe my best friend and my ex were leaving for good.

"he's leaving." i said crying

"i know honey. word gets around. it will be healthy for you to be away from both will and jane."

"but will i still get to visit?"

"of course honey, i know how much you guys mean to each other. i'll always be here if you need to talk. y'know my best friend moved away too when i wasn't much older than you. her name was mary and we did everything together. but she moved to florida and i didn't even get to say goodbye." 

"i'm sorry mom"

"i'm sorry too honey"

we went home and i layed in bed all night but i couldn't sleep.

i jumped out of bed and snuck out my window. then i got on my bike and rode to will's house. i knew not to wake up anyone at this time of night. i ditched his house and went out to castle byers. this should be good to keep memories in store. but i walked to where castle byers usually would be. but there was nothing there for me to find but wood chunks. i picked up the word castle. did will do this? no. will broke castle byers but i know this was my fault. i said those things to him. i rummaged through the ruins and dug out every photo i could find. the last one confirmed my suspicions. It was us in our ghostbusters costumes, but there was a tear between me and will. He was mad, and i don't blame him.

(wills pov)

had mike really just said he loved me? he apologized for calling me gay too. maybe i was overreacting about mike.

(580 words)

sorry for the short chapter, i just felt like i needed to do this before anything else happened.

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