dear mike pt. 2

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Hey Mike,

I haven't really wanted to talk about school. No bullies for me luckily! But there's this bitch Angela and she's been making fun of El. There is also a girl who sits next to me in history, Shawnee I think? Well she keeps rubbing her foot on me and flirting with me. I hate to break it to her but I'm not into her like that. I'm kinda popular because of Shawnee, but me and El have made two friends that I like more than those numbnuts. Their names are Syd and Stan. They also know about how El used to have powers. Syd has telekinetic powers too. Apparently she and Stan had to move away because of something that had to do with a kids head exploding? They are both pretty cool and I think you might like them. 



i didn't mention that syd is a lesbian and stan is pan because i wasn't sure if mike was supportive of that kind of thing, and it's their business if they want to tell him.

(177 words) 

a/n ik that i didn't do word count for the last few and i'm sorry 😶

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