chapter twenty three

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twenty three

I woke up to Harry's voice, the vibrating of his chest against my ear. I couldn't process what he was saying just yet, but I heard the huskiness of his voice and I assumed he'd just woken up too. I looked up at him and he lazily smiled at me, his hand that was already placed on my side started to massage soothing circles there.

"We'll be there in an hour." He said into his phone while yawning. He hung up and I looked at him confusingly. He spoke before I could ask where we were going, "Are you sore? Does anything hurt?" He asked. I sat up in the bed and shrugged, stretching my arms out.

"I feel great." I smiled and placed my hand on his chest, "Where are we going?" I pushed my hair away from my face.

"We leave for the beach trip today." He smiled, reminding of the vacation that I had nearly forgotten about. I nodded my head and began to climb out of the bed, but Harry grabbed my hand. He rose an eyebrow, "We have an hour, which gives me forty five minutes with you." He licked his lips and sat up.

"No," I pushed at his chest teasingly and shook my head, "I need to take another shower-- alone. And I just need a little time to myself." I said and smiled reassuringly. I didn't want Harry to think that what happened yesterday evening has scared me away. Not that I could run away from him, but I just needed time to think about everything.

He sighed, "I understand." Before he let go of my hand, he kissed it. I bit my lip and stood from the bed. I'd only been wearing underwear and a blue see-through tank top. I opened the door and turned back to look at Harry. He smiled and I blew him a kiss before exiting the room. I crept to my room, in case his mother was here.

I was not entirely informed on the living arrangement Harry and his mother had. Did she have her own house? If she did, why did she find the need to stay at Harry's house almost everyday? Perhaps she was trying to make up for all of the years she was an utter embarrassment to Harry and was helplessly hooked on drugs and alcohol. But if she was trying to make up for that, she wasn't doing a decent job.

I opened the door to my room and stepped inside. I turned to close the door and when I turned around again, my heart practically jumped out of my chest. My first instinct was to cover my body as Emile shielded his eyes from my half naked body.

"Emile, what are you doing?" I ran for my wardrobe, pulling a pair of pajama pants out and quickly pulled them up my legs.

"My job." He shrugged his shoulders and removed his hands from his eyes when I assured him I was dressed.

"You don't have to clean for me. If you've forgotten I did grow up downhill, where everyone cleans their own stuff." I sighed and leaned against my tall bed frame as Emile fluffed my pillows.

"Harry insists that your room is clean every moment of the day." He paused to look up at me.

"You're better than a servant, you shouldn't have to do this. I think that you could be a somebody-" He shook his head and frowned.

"To be a somebody you have to have money, do I look like I have money?" His nostrils flared as he flattened the sheets to perfection. I sighed heavily and sat down on the freshly made up bed. Emile glared at me with wide eyes, he was clearly angry that I'd sat down on the bed that he just took the time to make.

I ignored his expression, "Harry pays you a lot of money. I'm pretty sure that you have-"

"Harry is a millionaire, which makes you a millionaire. I am still the poor kid that lives downhill and has a family to take care of. The money that I make, I cannot just save it up. I have to make sure that my mother- my three sisters have clothes and food. But you wouldn't know-" Each of us were taking turns cutting each other off.

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