chapter six

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Anne stumbled over her own feet as she made her way down her parents drive way, a duffle bag hung on her shoulder. She turned to look up at the house, her mother and father standing at the front door, waiting for her to leave. Anne wanted to scream profanities at their faces and tell them that she didn't deserve being kicked out at all.

She didn't know that one night could change everything; the way her parents thought of her, the way others would look at her, that this one mistake depended on how she would continue to live her life. She knew she couldn't rewind all of her wrongs, she couldn't apologize this time and expect everything to be the way it was before. She made her decision and her parents didn't care whether she was sober or not when she did.

Anne waved at them, turned her back and faced the empty street. She dragged her feet along the cement, crossing the street. Not yet, did she believe she was completely on her own until she heard a door slam. She turned her head quickly, seeing that her parents had disappeared from their spots on the porch. The neighborhood was quiet, the kids at the school across the street were still learning, her next door neighbors were still having a family barbecue- all while her heart was breaking into a million pieces and her life was falling apart.

Anne fell down onto her knees, covering her eyes with her hands as the tears were finally released. She cried out, screaming that what she did the night before was uncalled for. Screaming that this was all just a mistake and that kicking her out wouldn't do any good.

But there was no response, although Anne still knew that on the other side of that front door they were listening. She threw her duffle bag onto the street, but hurried to grab it once a car honked for her to move it. And when she slowly, dreadfully grabbed her bag she heard a familiar voice.

"Anne?" And somehow he knew her name.

I leant on the doorframe, staring at him with impatient eyes. I awaited for him to burst into a fit of laughter, but he never did. I assumed he was lying when he said that he didn't lie, I knew it wasn't the truth- he's just a good actor. I pushed myself back into place, standing up straight- ready to walk out of the room.

"You don't think I'm telling you the truth?" His voice murmured, luring me back into the room- but I made sure to catch my breath and stop myself before I got too close.

I breathed in, overthinking his question. The answer was clear- "You took me away from my family, Harry. You've already lied that you hadn't been watching me- you are a liar. You couldn't tell me the truth even if you wanted to." I spat. At once, he stood to his feet and marched towards me, both of his hands balled into fists at his sides. I stepped backwards, but I didn't dare flinch once when he stood in front of me. His hot breath hit my face and his eyes- wild with anger -met mine. Then he stepped away.

"You're right." He shrugged. He was lying again- it was impossible to figure him out, to get under his skin. He grinned at me, despite the anger boiling inside him he must've felt. I stood, a bewildered expression on my face as he walked back towards the chair he sat in before.

That's it? I thought, desperate for him to at least yell at me. I knew that it made no sense- the only thing I should be desperate for is an escape route. I knew he was watching me every minute, every second of the day even when he wasn't even near me. He had all eyes on me, especially now since I tried to get away two nights before.

"Why-" He cut me off before I could think to finish my sentence.

"Stop asking me the same thing, over and over. If I didn't give you the answer you wanted last time, then I certainly won't be giving you the one you want any time soon." He hissed, his words stung.

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