What am i to him?

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my Creek love story, I hope you enjoy it and think it's good!!
I make no promises I'll post often as I suck at remembering and getting time to!

Now let the story begin!


Tweeks POV:

Dammit Tweek. You're 16 now and you still can't talk to a teacher without someone's help.
"Craig?" I asked, shaking and fidgeting with my fingers.
"Sup Tweek" Craig said blandly. It depended on my mood but sometimes I loved how monotone Craig was and other times I hate it beyond belief.
"Can you GAH! help me out?"
"Sure dude, with what?" Craig asked.

I hated it when he called me dude. He was way more than dude to me... was I not to him?
I'm fine with other people calling me 'dude' but Craig Tucker was not someone that was on the list of 'you can call me dude'. But, if you were on that list you probably don't matter all that much to me. I hate to sound rude but that's how it feels sometimes!

"I... I need a pencil." I said nervously. Craigs response? A blank, emotionless, stare. Like as if I told him information everyone knew, like I just said '2+2=4'.
When I stopped thinking about his expression I suddenly realized that there was a yellow pencil right in front of me.

"Here." Is all Tucker said before I grabbed the pencil from his hand. I mumbled a thanks and focused on class again.

16 years old, can't talk to teachers, hardly has any friends, picked on. I'm really not the person you want to be once you're 16. Or any age infact.


OW! God that bell never fails to scare me. Tears prickled into my eyes as I grabbed my stuff.
"So what's up with you, Tweekers?" Craig asked. I looked at him confused.
"You seem out of it today, very distracted." He explained.
"Oh... just, Y'know- AH! my thoughts." I tried to calmly say, but my twitching and fidgeting didn't help at all.

Me and Craig walked to our lockers, they were relatively close since they organize from last names.
I tried to open my locker but couldn't get it on the right number due to my movements.
"Let me do it." Is all I heard Craig say before my locker was suddenly open. My hero, Craig Tucker, for opening my stupid locker.

I set my stuff in my locker and right before I was about to close it, Craig stopped me.
"You have troubles with your locker everyday, Tweek. Let me show you a trick."
Craig grabbed a spare pencil he had in his pocket. He's like a pencil god, always having pencils on site.

He did my locker code with the door open, then gabbed the pencil in it. I stared at the contraption confused.

"There, now, it won't lock."
"But doesn't that mean ANYONE could get into it?"
"Well... yeah but since you can't do the code."
"OH GOD. ACK- WHAT IF SOMEONE STEALS EVERYTHING OF MINE!? GAH- OH GOD! TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!" I screamed as I started pulling on my hair and the tears from before came back to my eyes.

My signature saying of 'too much pressure' always worried Craig. He may not show emotion but I knew he cared. He always has and I adore him for that.

Craig stuck his hand out for me to grab. I took the offer, one of the tears were threatening to fall so I closed my eyes. I only opened them when I felt something warm in one of my hands.
My coffee. Craig had handed me my coffee. That Angel!

"Let's go, twitch" nobody else could call me that nickname without being socked in the face.
"I'm hungry so you better not slow me down anymore for lunch" Craig said playfully yet with a serious tone. I softly giggled and we quickly made our way to the lunch room.

After getting our crappy school lunch, we looked for a table to sit at.
No tables were empty, no spots were open. Except at Eric Cartman's table. I wasn't fond of him. At all.

Actually, the only one in Stan's group I could stand was probably Kenny, sure the dirty jokes were horrid for my 'innocent' ears that were infact not very innocent. But Kenny was pretty chill, he was nice to me too.

I heard Craig sigh and start walking to the table with Eric, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Butters.

I followed him, obviously not content with the fact I had to sit with them.

I silently cursed Clyde and Tolkien for being gone today. If they were here I'd at least have them, Craig, Butters, and Kenny out of the people I can stand hanging out with.

Once me and Craig had gotten close enough to see and hear what was going on, Craig frowned while I groaned and wished to Buddha to give me his strength and Wisdom to keep me calm.
Spoiler alert, he gave me none and I did not calm down.

Me and Craig sat in between butters and Kyle, Craig knowing damn well about how me and butters would hang out sometimes while I only knew Kyle from Craig's shenanigans and Eric always mentioning the religion on Kyle. Craig sat next to Kyle, with me on the other side and I sat next to butters, with Craig on the other side.

When we sat down, Butters and Kenny said hi. While Cartman rolled his eyes and mumbled something about 'hay-bos'? Whatever that is.
But whatever it was, Kyle slapped Eric across the head and Craig sighed with annoyance. So it must've meant something bad.

Soon Stan laughed which most asked why he laughed. He chuckled and said "remember when we were in elementary and we thought we'd have to do a lot of singing and dancing in high school because of high school musical?"

Half of us laughed while the other half groaned in embarrassment.

"OH! Remember those origami fortune tellers we thought actually told the future?" Kyle mentioned.
"Yeah, and how you guys dressed me up as a girl to go fetch it and I had a breakdown in the bathroom since they thought I was ugly? Yeah I sure remember that!" Butters pout.
"Remember before that, we had to get butters to fake his own death?" Eric snickered.

"Remember when we all dressed up and compared how gay one another was?" Butters reminded
"And how Cartman said he was a quarter Bi? Yeah... good times." Craig said, really being the first thing he said.

"Remember all those times Kyle was a stupid Jew? Oh wait. He still is!!" Cartman said glaring at Kyle.
"Hey at least I'm not a fat ass!" Kyle defended. "HEY! HEY! I HAVE A GOOD ONE." Kyle yelled, which everyone at our table and a neighboring table stared at him for with curiosity.


All around the table and a few other tables there was disgusted sounds, and I'm pretty sure Wendy walked out holding her stomach trying not to vomit.
Stan cringed at the thought of those events. Specifically the one Kyle just mentioned.

"Ok, off of assburgers" Butters awkwardly stammered, not wanting to continue to talk about it.
"What's been up with you two, Craig and Tweek?" Kenny asked. Stan and Kyle muttering a 'yeah' in agreement with Kenny's question. Me and Craig looked at one another. Not much has happened.
"Well," Craig started.


That's chapter one!! I hope you enjoyed! :D

The word count: 1300

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