Stage 2= fighting

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That feeling
When you pushed me underwater
To drown out me and my cry's for help
To quiet the sounds of a little girls plea
How heavy I felt
How blurry everything seemed
In slow motion
Like watching my own death scene
Except only my innocents actually died

The lifeless feeling
The tired
The sad the suicidal feeling
That tears my gut into pieces
How it feels to be molested
At the hands of someone who attended my birthday parts

I feel it all
All the time
But 10x stronger
10x harder
Harder to breathe to live
Knowing because of the holidays
You go from 9hrs away to 20 minutes
I go from 15 to 5
Suddenly I'm there again watching myself die
And over
A little girl drowns
Strangled by her life guard

Rotten rootsAs a kid I was confused by alot of things I got alot of things mixed up I could never tell the difference between the sun and lightbulb Multiplication and subtraction Birds and airplanes Assault for love That probably sounds strange su...

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Rotten roots
As a kid I was confused by alot of things
I got alot of things mixed up
I could never tell the difference between the sun and lightbulb
Multiplication and subtraction
Birds and airplanes
Assault for love
That probably sounds strange subtraction on the same list as assault but when you grew in rotten soil, had pedophiles attend your birthday party they belong on the same list
You were visiting your cousins
And I was being hurt in the next room


I know it isn't easy to hear
It might even feel a little uncomfortable

And you might judge me for speaking about sexual assault so openly
So consistently

I don't do this for you
I do this for the many people who have opened up to me
People you'd never expect who went through the same as me

I'm self aware I understand
I may speak about it excessively

I might say too much or not enough
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect survivor
Who only opens up about it when they need to

Your opinions are the reasons your friends wouldn't tell you

The reasons I didn't tell you
I speak now but for years I was silent
Because of hands like yours that kept me quite


To the silent child

I know you hear your a problem a lot
You hear it at school and st home cause you don't act like a normal kid

And everyone thinks your some asshole
Instead of a little kid angry at the world
They don't question
The signs you were assaulted
But their angry at them
They think your annoying
They see it as a inconvenience instead of a symptom

Silent child I believe you
I know your hurting
And your scared
And you have constant weight from the secrets your forced to keep
Like constant backpack full of rocks

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