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I sat on the soft blanket holding a warm cup of tea.

The sound of laughter filled the air and I listened as Collei and Amber chased after one another.

I brought the tea up to my lips and took a small sip.

"Careful it's still hot," Candance said from beside me.

I nodded my head and put the cup down on my lap.

"It's nice to be outside," I said smiling.

Candace let out a small laugh and then sighed.

"Yes, it is. Amber and Collei should learn from you and get out a bit more."

"Hey, we go outside!" Amber shouted from afar.

Both of us laughed at this and then I took another sip.

The day must have been coming to an end now. The temperature had dropped a bit and the air was chilly now.

"Cold?" Candace asked clearly noticing me shiver.

I nodded my head and felt something drape around my shoulders.

I looked over to the side and Candance gave my head a rub.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked moving her jacket closer to my arms.

"No, I'm used to the weather don't worry about me." She said reassuringly.

I let myself enjoy the fresh breeze. The laughter went on for a little longer before I could hear the footsteps of my friends returning. Amber took a seat beside me and leaned onto my shoulder.

"The stars are so pretty. I'm so glad we decided to go out." She said giggling.

I nodded and looked up at the sky.

"Yea but look planets too!" Collei replied.

"Is anyone else hungry before I pack these up for the night?" Candance asked as she shuffled around the treats.

"Ohh one more!" Amber shouted leaning over.

Amber began crunching on her cookie and that caused me to smile.

Little moments like these made me realize how happy I was to have them as friends. Amber and Collei had been there as my best friends for ages. Candance on the other hand was like a mother figure. She had watched over me for as long as I could remember now.

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