Chapter 7

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It had been some time since Sirius had last been seen in hogsmead and everything had gone back to normal.

"Hey y/n" Says a voice from the oncoming crowd 

"Hey Pans" i say as Pansy comes running over. Theo comes running after her. Just my luck.

"Oh hey Theo" i say looking down

"Um anyways theres a party in the hufflepuff common room today. You gonna come?" Pansy says linking her arm in mine.

"Not sure, Depends" I say looking out onto the school grounds

We walk down into the basement and enter the potions classroom.

Relief fills my body as i see, standing at the desk, not Professor Snape but Professer Trelawny. 

"Yesss" Whispers Pansy as she and Theo walk to the other side of the classroom.

"Your later than usual" Mattheo says as i walk over to our desk

"And your acutally on time today" I smirk putting my bag down on the floor. Mattheo rolls his eyes and i see the corners of his mouth curve up

"Is that a smile i see" I see whilst i write in my book

"Piss off" He says and turns away.

I smile to myself and carry on with my work.

Potions flew by and before i knew it it was dinner. Barely anyone ate a full meal that night due to everyone waiting for the party.

 "Pfft im stuffed" Said a Slytherin first year 

"Hey are you going to the party later" I ask Mattheo as we head back to the common room

"Nahh parties arnt my thing" He says looking at me

"What is 'Your Thing'?" I ask him 

" Mmmm idk drugs i guess"He says putting his hands in his trouser pockets

I scoff, fold my arms and look away.


After everyone had gone to bed we all went up to our dorms to change.

"Hey Pans what do we think about this dress" I say coming out of the bathroom

Pansy turns to face me and gasps.

"What?!" I say looking everywhere

"Your look georgous!" She squeals

I feel my face turning red so i clear my throat and say "Thanks Pans you look cute too"

I go over to my bed and put my jewelery on and i slip into my black heels.

I turn of my hair curler, grab my bag and go downstairs to where we meet the boys.

We all creep along to corridors keeping in mind that Filtch could be anywhere.

After what seemed like ages we finally found a large group of Ravenclaws who had obviously been trying to get in to the Hufflepuff common room. 

I shoved past everyone and made my way to the barrels.

"For gods sake" I mumble under my breath. I look up and around at the large number of people who standing eagerly behind me.

"Right does anyone know how the hell we get in here" I say in a loud whisper

There was a loud murmmer, which i took as a no.

"Great" i huff

Suddenly a loud russeling sound errupted from the end of one of the corridors.

"Quickly, hide!" I hear someone hiss. I crouch down behind one of the statues, and look to see who was making the racket. Everyone expected Filtch to come limping down the corridor with Mrs Norris at his side but no, however we were all suprised when a bunch of Hufflepuffs turned up, one of them being Cedric Diggory.

After we had finally been let in we were all greeted by music blasting in our ears and drinks being thrown our way.

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