Chapter 6

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Im sleeping soundly when someone shakes me awake.

"Y/n come on we have to go" Pamsy says shaking me

"What why" I ask whilst changing.

"Not sure but let's go"

"Wait Pans what's the time" I ask rubbing my eyes

"Quarter past one in the morning" she says looking at the clock and then grabbing me

We hurry downstairs to the common room and then make our way to the great hall.

Hermione runs up to me in the corridor looking scared.

"Y/n!" She cries, I dont hate Harry's friends, I actually quite like them, it's only Harry and Ron who bug me.

"Hey Hermione what's wrong" I say

"Apparently he's here." She says still looking scared

"Who's here? Do you mean.." I trail off thinking about the one person who me and Harry dreaded to see.

"Sirius Black?" Pansy asks

Hermione nods and I look at her terrified.

We go to the great hall. It's crammed. The usual tables and seats aren't here due to the O.W.L revision sessions that are taking place.

Someone taps my shoulder.

"Yeah" I say turning around.

"Harry?!" I say "what do you want"

"Ok look, I know you hate me and honestly I don't love you either but we aren't in the safest situation right now, and we definitely arnt going to be any safer apart. So for now I think we should agree on a truce." He says holding out a hand for me to shake.

"Fine, but don't go stretching your luck" I say shaking Harry's outstretched hand.

I then walk away from him and talk to Ginny, Dean and Seamus with no further comment.

"What do you think Is going to happen" Ginny asks

"Im not sure" Dean says

"Well surely we're not staying here with him on the loose" I say

"Yeah let's hope he het caught-"
Seamus replies

"Ladies and Gentlemen" Dumbledore booms "Due to the sightings of Sirius Black in Hogsmead all year groups and houses will be staying in the great hall for the rest of the night and day until further notice. If you have to leave the hall for any reason, tell a trusted member of staff."

"Not Snape then" Dean says as we silently laugh.

"The things that are necessary will be collected from your dormitories and brought down here. Other than that have a good night and see you in the morning. Have a good night or should I say morning"
Dumbledore finishes and then with a flick of his wand the very few tables that were here go and a couple more chairs appear and a dozen or so sleeping bags.

My Slytherin friends and Harry's Griffindor friends (along with some Hufflepuffs) all grab sleeping bags and drag them into a corner.

"Really y/n?" Draco says when he sees Harry, Ron and Hermione "I don't want to be seen with a Weasley, let alone a mudblood." He scoffs.

"HEY!" I shout pulling out my wand from my pocket and holding it to his neck. "Shut the hell up or I'll shut you up myself" I say the anger inside of me bubbling.

"Fine y/n didn't need to be so harsh" He says rolling his eyes and and sitting down on his sleeping bag next to Mattheo.

Even though Draco is my best friend he can be a dick sometimes.

After a while Filtch comes barging into the great hall.

"GET IN YOUR SLEEPING BAGS YOUR BLOODY RASCALS" He shouted although his voice barely reached the back of the hall.

He screams and we all slowly start to get into bed and fall asleep.

One hour had past. Then two. Then three.

I slide out of my sleeping bag and step over people as I walk over to the window and sit on the windowsill,watching the sunrise.

"Couldn't sleep either" I hear a voice behind me say

I look around to see Mattheo stepping over people as he trys to reach me.

"Yeah I guess." I say looking back at the window "Just having some thoughts."

"What thoughts" He says as he reaches me and sits opposite me.

"I guess its just weird to think that another person wants me dead. It's even weirder that it's my dads best friend. Well ex-best friend."
Mattheo looks down hen I say this.

"Its the little things like not being noticed that makes it a whole lot worse. Harry has aurors on his side while most of my friends despise them and try to avoid them at all costs."

Mattheo looks back up at me.

"Don't get me wrong I love my friends. But it feels like I'm all alone in this."

"Everyone thinks that I will or have followed in my father's footsteps." Mattheo starts to say

"When in reality I hate him. Because whilst he was out in the world obsessing over a random family, I was sat at home at the ripe old age of one with nobody. The closest thing to family I had was the house elf. When my father went or died or whatever it didn't impact me at all. I still stayed at home with the house elf even though I was a baby. The though of my dad dead doesn't effect me and it never has and never will. I hated you and Harry when I joined, well I still hate Harry but anyway. I hated you because my Father, my one and only family left me for you and your family. Even though it wasn't for a good cause, he still left me for you. And that made me rage."

At this I look down.
I never realised or thought about what Mattheo must be going through.

"Im sorry I haven't asked. You Must've felt horrible" I say looking back up at him.

"I did for a while but you get used to it after time. Besides I wouldn't have told you if you asked." He says drawing his gaze from the window.

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