Chapter 12

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A very short, silky, forest green dress and some black high heels. Perfect.
It's now 10:30 pm.

I can hear the music from my dorm room. I sneak down the stairs and entre the common room. It's like music to my ears.

The speakers blaring, people singing and dancing.

I move towards the drinks and lay back there. Looking around for any sign of Mattheo and the others.

I look over to the fireplace. My heart falls into my stomach. There Mattheo is. His shirt scruffy and his top button undone. And straddled on top of him is a 4th year ravenclaw.

I shatter the glass I'm holding and start chugging down drinks like there's tomorrow.


I'm singing at the top of my lungs,drink in my hand. Clearly drunk.

I look over at the sofa. The girl isn't there but Mattheo is. I dance my way over to him and whisper in his ear.

" Im commando" I whisper.

"What?" He turns to look at me confused.

" Im commando silly" I laugh

"WHAT?!" He shouts

" I said im-" I say raising my voice

He grabs me"no I know what you said im just-"

"Just what" I say playing with his hair

He looks into my eyes.

"Your drunk." He says

"Phht what no" I say sarcastically

He gets up from the sofa and moves around to me, and grabs my forearms

" We need you to get outta here now" He says looking around.

He leads me to the staircase and then carties me up it.

I snuggle in close to his chest and start to relax.

He places me on my bed and starts to walk away but I grab his collar and pull him down next to me.

"Stay.... please" I say

He reaches up my leg and pulls my dress down so that I'm covered.

"Ofcourse my love"

He slides up the bed, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest. I feel his arm rest on my shoulder.

"I love you Mattheo Riddle...."


I wake up to find myself resting on Mattheos sleeping body.

I roll over just in time. Vomit comes spilling out of my mouth and on to the floor. I groan and wipe my mouth.

"You ok?" Mattheo asks as he rolls his body towards me.

"I'll clean that up don't worry" He says calmly

"No,I can't ask you to do that" I say turning to face him.

"You didn't ask" He smiles at me and then kisses my forehead.

"Wait" I say sitting up " Why should I trust you.

"what" Mattheo asks

" Last night when I came down you had this girl riding you" I say getting out of bed


"I mean if she hadn't gone you two would've been making babies in no time."

"Excuse me?" Mattheo says

"You heard me" I say putting on my dressing gown

"Y/n just stop for on god damn second" Mattheo says getting up from the bed

" you fucking heard me" i whisper

"What the fuck Y/n" Mattheo shouts.

Just at that moment Pansy, Astoria Draco and Theo walk in.

I turn to look at Theo and start walking towards him.

I kiss him. I could feel Mattheos anger radiating off my back.

" WHAT THE FUCK Y/N" I hear Mattheo scream as I pull away and walk out the door.

Then I hear skin to skin, and a lot of shouting.

Mattheo Riddle: Enemies To Lovers Where stories live. Discover now