dried blood

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(sorry for not posting, I was busy with my yt channel here's part two)

You trudge up the steps to your porch kicking off your sandals on the sandy Deck just outside of your door, happy with the nicknames you chose for your fishy friends, you haul your bucket inside, satisfied with your findings. "Hi honey how was it?" Your papa questioned "It was great papa" you replied putting your bucket down and wiping away the sand from your hands and on to your cargo shorts "Were is Dad?" "He's at work right now sweet pea, why don't you go get washed up for Dinner?" He said "Okay Papa" you say as you walk to the sink.

(Cutely throws Time skip in your face)

Shooting up from your bed you were as excited as a fudge cake, you fling off your blue sheets and change out of your pajamas and into a cute swimsuit with shorts. Dashing out to the kitchen and grabbing a piece of toast with butter on it that your dad left out, passing the living room on your way to the door you yell out a quick "Bye dad, Bye Papa" your dad looks up from his book while your papa stops looking out the window, "Bye honey, remember don't talk to strangers" your Dad says, "I will Dad, love you" you say as you hop outside, throwing on your sandals you run to the stump that you found the baby mer in, making sure that they didn't try to get back in the natural cavern and hurt themselves.

Puffing out a breath of relief when you saw it was empty you turn around to head back home, but stop suddenly when you see something shiny in the sand near the rotting wood and gnarled roots, you examine it closely realizing that it was a blue stone the shape of a moon, with beautiful black and white flecks throughout the stone. You are startled by a noisy splash from the ocean behind you. Turning around you see the yellow mer from yesterday, his little fins were pinned flat against it's head as it cautiously swam up to you as a slow pase, something held tight against it's chest as it slowly approached you from your perch apon the shore. Using one of his arms to pull himself closer to you. Letting out a quiet trill as he placed whatever he has in his hands in front of your feet. You leaned down to pick it up and the mer let out a surprised squeak and dived back into the water, quickly speeding off. You stopped in shock for a few moments before leaning down to examine the small gift the mer left. At first glance it would look like a regular grey rock, but at a closer glance there was a fossilized fish skeleton gasping in shock at the rare beauty, a smile spreads across your small pudgy face.
Looking to the ocean you shout"Thanks Sun, say goodnight to Moon for me"

(Pov: Sun)

After I put the gift down I got scared and dashed off I was spying on my new friend seeing if they liked the rock, seeing a smile on their face and here them call out "thank you sun, say goodnight to Moon for me" I swam away excitedly to tell my brother that they gave us nicknames.

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