three rows

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(Big time skip)

The gravel crunched under the soles of your shoes as you carried a box up the path to the stairs of your childhood home, you sigh pushing your h/l hair out of your face (if your bald you just readjust your hat)
"Its good to be home". Unlocking the door you push it open quickly. A cloud of dust showers over you, and you sneeze.

(bless you)

You sigh exhaustedly "looks like I have my work cut out for me..." Observing the house you just stepped into, your shoulders relaxed. "It's just like how we left it"  you think, dropping the box in the corner of your dusty old living room.

Your dad,who had slowly sunk into a deep depression, and became a drunk, no, not abusive, just too tired and lazy to do anything. He just sat in papa's old recliner and watched TV. But you got tired of his sulking, put him in a support group, and went back to your childhood home, for a much needed vacation.

Taking off the white cover on the couch in your living room, you think:~I wonder if Charlotte is still around, or if Ed's still giving out free cookies. Maybe Barbara can fill me in on the latest gossip.~:  plopping yourself down on the couch, you take your phone out of your hoodie pocket.

Time: 3:47pm

New messages from CoolestAuntie😎

You unlock your phone and open the messages.

Hi love!


Well, I hope you got there safely, Because I forgot to tell you about the floorboard of memories ~

Lol there is a loose floorboard in the kitchen that has a box of art + memories in it.

Your Papa told me about it a while back.

Oh okay, I gtg hot boys on the beaches if you know what I mean. 😉

Okay ❤❤ smooches xoxo Auntie out 😙😎🤘

                                        Okay Auntie                   
                                   thanks  love ya!



Putting your phone back in your pocket, you stand up up and crack your back, observing the entrance to the kitchen. You slowly creep into the kitchen and......
Start jumping up and down to find the loose floorboard.

Before you know it, you find the loose floorboard. Pulling it up you find a old  brown chest, Setting it aside, you put the floorboard back in, "I will open it tomorrow morning." You say with a nod. Stepping outside to grab another box or two you take a deep breath of air and gaze out at the ocean sunset. You watch as the dark water slowly swallows up the sun.

Turning around to turn your attention to the overgrown and weed-filled garden, you let out a puff of air. "Well, That's a problem.... For later" you say as a small smile graced your lips.

You hike up the dirty and rotting wooden steps and head inside, Quietly closing the door behind you and locking it.

Cooking up a delicious meal of week-old beans.

"Yum" you say sarcastically as you stirr the goopy sludge in your frying pan. Five minutes later you put your slop on a paper plate and sit down in the living room.

Opening up your phone as you lazily stuff beans into your mouth. You scroll through your YouTube recommendations and play an animation meme

(I'm piko floof)

You shut off your phone and put the paper plate in the plastic bag you brought inside with your boxes.

You sigh as you walk to your old room.

Falling backwards onto your bed you stare at the ceiling.
"Well, Tomorrow is a new day Papa, Let's see what it has in store for me."

You slowly fall asleep, unaware of the piercing gaze that had followed you throughout your day.

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