little birds need to fly

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(Time skip three years later)

"Why?!?" You screamed at your dad with tears in your eyes, your fists held tight against your sides. While your standing in the middle of a pile of boxes. "Because, after what happened to papa, I think we need a fresh start, this house holds too many memories of papa that are hard to remember."  Your dad said with that you were moving away to (h/t hometown) hours away from your beautiful beach front house, the place you grew up in, the place you met your best friends. The last good memories of your hardworking and loving Papa. You still remember that day 6 months ago.

The one fateful phone call....

The one you wished never happened...

Wished was a bad dream...

That you would wake up to your Papa and Dad to welcome you from the dusty wakes of slumber with open arms

You wished that he didn't go to the store...

You wished he stayed home.. .

That he didn't get shot by the drunk man trying to get some extra cash...




But it did, it did happen, your Dad did get the phone call. Your papa did go to the store. He didn't stay home.

He did get shot...

He did die....

You didn't wake up.....

You slammed the front door open and sprinted towards the sea tears staining your cheeks. "SUNNY! MOONY!" You scream as you reach the water. You wait a few seconds until you see their worried faces poke out of the water. They both send a series of conserned clicks and whistles your way as they approach you. They scoot up to you, embracing you in a warm and slightly wet hug. "S-sunny. Moony... I'm going to be moving today... I'm sorry'' both of the mers started freaking out. letting go of you in the process. You pulled the orange shell out of your pocket and gave it to Sun, and a blue stone and gave it to Moon. "Here, you can remember me by this, and when I grow up I will come back here..okay?" You were suddenly interrupted by your dad. "Sunflower it's time to go" he yelled to you. "I'm sorry'' you whisper as you dash off, your mer friends going back to the ocean.

Driving off you look back at the ocean one more time.

(Thanks for reading. Sorry it takes so long for me to update :) )

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