Strawberry milk

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(Time skip week or two later)

You where laying down on a soft blue and white striped towel, relaxing from all the hard work you have been doing for the past few weeks. Wiping a drop of sweat off your brow, you lean up into a stretch your arms over your head and then roll your shoulders untill you hear a satisfying pop.

You stand up to get a glass of cold and refreshing strawberry milk when suddenly you hear a desperate and sad chirp from the water in front of you. "Wha--------" you gasp out in slight shock as you see some sad blue eyes and yellow fins poking out of the icy blue water. "Sunny.....?" The mer quickly perked up , giving you the response that signified that the now giant fishy creature is for sure your childhood best friend. "Sunny!" You exclaimed excitedly as you jumped on the fish man, not caring that your previously dry and warm swimwear was getting cold and wet. Sunny let out a high pitched "Y/N!!" Stopping you dead in your tracks.

"YOU CAN SPEAK ENGLISH NOW!" You basically shouted, making your scaly friend cover where his ears were. "I can! Me and Moonie observed some tailless creatures and learned how to speak human!!!" He said excitedly as his long and heavy tail slaps against the shallow area of the water creating some small splashes with a large grin plastered on his face.

"Speaking of Moonie, where is he?" you ask, a glint of curiosity in your eyes. Sunny turned around lazily, his torso swaying in the water softly. He lets out a series of soft and loose clicks and whistles. Suddenly another head popped up from the water, creating a soft splash from the sudden movement.

"Hi Starlight." Moon said, his voice calm and deep, in contrast to the excitement he was feeling from seeing you again. "Moonie" you screech as you leaped into his arms.

The two males look at eachother and gently nod. They carefully took you deeper into the water. Deciding not to question their antics, you relax in moon's arms.

A few minutes later, you arrive at the mouth of a cave, the water softly splashes in the natural cavern. Moon turns on his back, and holds your stomach as he nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck. Looking up as it slowly starts to darken. Stalactites hand from the ceiling as well as crystals, with luminescent plants growing from the walls and ceiling.

(3 hours later)

You had passed out in Moons arms and rolled onto your stomach and started to cling to Moon. When it started to get dark outside, they woke you up and swam back to your home, you made a promise to them that you would be back the next morning. They waved to you as you sleepily went to your house.

(Should I make this into a Yandere book? Let me know please 🙏)

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