^|How You Met Them|^

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(How did you meet them?)

Finney Blake:

-> He was at the park with Gwen and you came up to them, asking to play.

->"Hey, can I play with you two?" You asked.

-> "Of course!" Gwen cheered happily. 

-> They really had fun with you, and you two stayed in contact afterwards.

Robin Arellano:

-> You admired him after seeing one of his fights, so you approached him after one of your classes.

-> "Hey, are you Robin Arellano? I've seen your fights before, and you're really cool!" 

-> He was a bit awkward and confused and just walked away the first time.

-> But you were determined on becoming his friend.

Bruce Yamada:

-> He hit you in the face with a baseball.

-> You were just passing by his house while he was practicing, and...

-> BAM!

-> Baseball to the face.

-> He dropped the bat and rushed over, apologizing and making sure you were okay.

-> "I'm so, so sorry! Are you okay?"

Vance Hopper:

-> You knew of his reputation, so you stayed mostly clear of his path.

-> One day, though, you saw him struggling in class and tried to help.

-> "I don't need help, dipshit!"

-> Yeah, he wasn't very welcoming of it.

-> If you saw he needed help, you'd try, and usually fail.

-> Eventually, he just accepted your help ONE TIME when he was really struggling, and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Billy Showalter/Paperboy:

-> You crashed your bike on the side of the road, and he noticed on his daily newspaper delivery.

-> He made sure you were okay and helped you home when he noticed you had scraped your knee pretty bad.

-> "Your home is right there? Let me help you," He offered.

-> "Are you sure?" You asked.

-> "Yeah, it's not a big deal."

-> From then on, you'd say hi when he passed by each morning.

Griffin Stagg:

-> You guys met in school, specifically on the playground.

-> Some kids were irritating him about being alone, but he just said that his friend would be there soon as an attempt to get them to stop.

-> They didn't.

-> They just said they would wait with him.

-> You overheard this and rushed over, pretending to be the friend.

-> "Hey, sorry I'm late! Come on, let's go play on the slides!" You cheered, grabbing him by the hand and leading him away.

-> He thanked you and you just insisted on becoming his best friend.

-> "Hey! Can we be friends?" You asked.

-> Having no friends, he welcomed your offer with open arms.

-> Quite literally.

-> He hugged you after you asked and seemed to always be at your side after that point.

(Hope you liked the first scenario! I'm fine with taking requests!)

(Word Count: 425)

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