Ch. 3 [An Unexpected Saying]

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Here you are! Starting your day as a complete different person. Until you realize you gotta bring Player with you. Damn it-.
You walked out of your room and into Player's room which literally takes a minute to get there. You told Player to wake up like this:
"Hey, hey, hey! Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake u-"
Suddenly you were cut off by Player's yawning and they looked at you with complete confusion, whatsoever they didn't care awfully a lot.
"Hey! Do you wanna come to the store with me? Yes or no or I'm throwing you out the window again like last time." You said to them with a smile.
"Are you kidding!? Of course I wanna annoy the cashi- I mean, sure-. But I'm gonna be completely honest.. ITS LITERALLY 12AM AND YOU WANT TO GO TO THE STORE??." You didn't really love how they responded to you but afterwards, you grabbed their hand and dragged them out of bed. They looked at you with another confused look and just focused on what you needed them to do. 10 minutes later, You and Player walked out of the house into the store. Cashier gave an annoyed, angry look at Player and just laid his head on the counter like he always do. When you were looking in the aisles for another snack, Player came up to you and said:
"Y/N!! Can we get a whole pack of colas please???"
He even gave you the "puppy" face. Tbh, you couldn't resist that pleading and said yes. Despite on which you were looking for, you decided to walk to the Cashier which didn't notice you were there.
"Hey sleepyhead! I'm sorry for the nervous talk the last 2 days ago. I don't know what got into me!" You replied to him.
"Mmh.. Huh? Oh, yeah. That was awfully weird of you. It's kind what I expected from a beautiful woman like yo- ...... I-I mean. What?"
You chuckled a bit. Even though you guys haven't really hanged out a lot, you liked the way he called you "beautiful". While Cashier was deeply embarrassed and hid behind the counter, Player came by and put the whole pack of sodas onto the counter. You especially, put the money into the counter and walked out. But as you were walking out with Player, you heard a *beep* and saw Cashier walking out of the store. You presume it might be his break time. You thought about this and decided to go back tomorrow and wait for the "Cashier's break time."

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