Chapter Three - Battleing For the Crew

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I was again sitting in a chair. I had told Nami to go ahead with the ship the moment it looks like things were going to get rough. We sat in a circle. I leaned back. Feeling my throat going parched. I could sense Sanji staring at us. My eyes glanced back to the blond. I looked back into his bluish gray eyes. He blushed at getting caught but looked away. A few second later the head chef appeared. In his hands was a wine glass with red liquid in it. Anyone else would think it red wine. But the smell of grapes was a dead give away of what it really was. My eyes snapped to his wrist were a bandage was. My eyes widening. Had he seen me grunting and whimpering in pain? Had he seen my eyes flickering from devil to human. I look at him. He places the glass in front of me. "You don't need to do this." He stares at me.
"I'm not going to sit by and allow you to die. I've been watching you fir the last five days. Your self restrain is much much string then any other of you kin I've seen." I stare at him. Then looked at the blood. I take the glass.
"Thanks..." then I take a sip. It tasted like grapes. "The cent matches the taste." He smirked.
"Bad or good." I looked to him.
"Like grapes."

A few minutes Don Kreigs ship arrived. I stared at the ship. "My uncle did that." I smirked. "They went to the grand line." Zeff looked at me. Then the ship. I stared at the ship. "Uncle will be coming here soon. But then my eyes looked to Gin. He was far to loyal for- oh dear god! This man reeked! My hand moved to my nose. "He smells like trash, rot, and mold!" Zeff laughed.
"Sensitive nose?"
"Very!" I watched as the man ate. I looked to Zeff. "Can I kill him when he's done?" He stared at me.
"Why you asking me."
"I'm on your ship. In your territory." He smirked.
"Do as you wish girlie." I moved. Grabbing Sanji just in time. But I was nit fast enough to grab Gin. Don dislocated his shoulder. After that I moved. Dragging him away.

I moved. Ignoring the twos shocked expression. Within second Gin screamed and stared at his now rightened shoulder. Then to me. "That man is no man of his word Gin. He's the scum of scum. Hell through you away. He does not deserve your loyalty or strength. You look like a man of dreams. Let me guess. To see what's never been seen before? To see the world." He stared in shock before nodding. I smirk. My fangs poking out. My hand resting on his shoulder. "Then come with me. Join me. You'll be protected. You'll be safe. You'll be able to fulfill your dream. You'll live a life you won't regret. All I ask in return. Is for you to join my crew and watch over our supplies." He stared at me. "I'll give you until I defeat Don Kreig." My eyes shot up and the fowl sent of Don was covered by the smell of fine red wine and chocolate. I knew that sent. I shot up. Watching as Don stared at Zeff. But my eyes sometimes flicked behind the ship.

I moved. Standing between the two pirates. Don finished speaking. Turning to leave. "Your a coward. Using someone else info and memories. That's all he has left of his crew. It is against the pirate code to take the log book of a living crew member. Not unless willingly given. Your a weak no one. My weak older brother could defeat you with the flick of his finger." I stared at him. "You where there for a week." I smirked. "My weaker older brother has been there fir three years." He stared at me.
"Liar!" My eyes flashed behind him.
"Feed your men. Then you'll see if I am or am not lying." He glared at me. But left. I turned to Zoro. "My uncle is coming. Of you wish to fight him then fight him. But I want you now. Your no where near his strength. I wish to show you a little something called Hakki. It'll help you grow stronger. But experience will help as well." He stared at me. Then nodded.
"I wish to fight him. With your blessing. Captain." My eyes close. And I nod.

I moved behind Gin. Listening as he talked. I sighed. Loudly. "My uncle is strange like that."
"There's only one of four things that could have happened. One. You woke him up from his nap. Two. You interrupted his reading. Three. He was bored. And I'm not telling you the fourth." They stared at me.
"What's your name girl." I look to Zeff.
"Lycoris." He nodded.
My bow rested on my shoulder. My quiver on my back. Daggers on my hips. My eyes looked outside. I sensed him. My uncle was closer. I could feel my pointed ears. Hidden by my hair twitch with excitement and joy. The ship was cut in half and a silent purr. Only Gin could hear left my throat. I moved to the fence and leaned forward. Nami took off. Stopping to look at me. I nodded to her. I grabbed Ussop and through him onto the ship. The brothers with them. "Zoro, Sanji, Gin, and I will join you after this. See ya." Then they left. I looked to Zoro. "Don't die. That's an order." He nodded.
"Yes captain." The two of us watched my uncle cut the ship. Only after he did that did Zoro go to fight my uncle. My uncle at that point of time looked at me with narrow eyes. I watched him as he went after my said uncle. He will not die and your female friend will be alright. I looked at the sea. I felt my eyes flash. And from the stiffening of my uncle. I could tell he sensed me. And that he sensed the weakened and thirsty state I was in. I turned and grabbed the wine glass with blood in it.

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