The TRUE pyro archon

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Third Person POV

This isn't how he wanted to die. He couldn't die like this. Not now, there is still so much to do, so much to explore. But now he'll never get to do it. This is just his luck, to be stuck in the middle of the nowhere dying.

He knew it was a bad idea to go to Stormterrors Lair, but the traveler had asked him to do it as an expedition for the Adventurer's Guild. He had tripped and fell off of one of the ruins while running from monsters and had a nasty fall, and it just so happened that when he got up and walked not far at all a piece of the ruins broke and trapped him under rubble.

Just his luck. He wasn't going to be found for at least a few days, when the traveler doesn't get the mora they should've gotten from his expedition tomorrow they are probably going to look for him but It's going to be too late, he'll already be dead.

"Heh, just my luck" he uttered, the life fading from his eyes. "This is it, death. Finally"

"Goodbye, Mondstadt, Razor." The light finally fading as he went limp, lifeless.


Bennett opened his eyes, in front of him he saw all black, except for a small chess piece with the pyro symbol on it floating in front of him.

"Here again?" A voice called out before sighing."You can't give up."

Bennett looked around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, trying to ignore the aching pain throughout his body.

"You've given up." The voice paused. "It's not to late, don't give up yet."

Bennett looked at the object in front of him, trying to figure out what it was.

"Prove to me you can handle it. Prove to me you have the responsibility to handle this power."

Bennett gasped as the chess piece got closer to him, floating right in front of the middle of his chest. As the vision on his side glowed brighter as it heated up.

"Good luck, Bennett." The voice finished, as the chess piece flew right into his chest, before everything faded white.


Bennett slowly opened his eyes and looked around, realizing where he was. He was a room in the cathedral that was used for recovery. He groaned and put his hand on his head noticing the aching pain all over his body.

"BENNETT!" Razor said rushing up to Bennett's bed.

"Razor..." Bennett replied weakly. Moving his hand back to his side and giving him a small smile.

"Bennett! Your awake!?" Barbara said rushing into the room after hearing Razor from down the hall. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore" He responded, not having the energy to explain more.

"Yes that is expected from what happened. Sadly there is nothing else I can do, I've already healed you as much as I can."

"It's fine don't worry,"

"If you insist. Oh yeah! The traveler wanted to know when you woke up, I'll be back!" She said before walking out of the room.

"Bennett is okay?" Razor asked.

"Yea, I'm okay." Bennett said looking back at him and smiling again to insist that he was in fact okay even though he almost died.

"Bennett!" Paimon said flying into the room, Aether following behind her and Barbara behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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