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jihye came to a halt in front of the doors.

she could hear singing from within, indicating that the auditions had already begun. a part of her wanted to turn around and flee, whereas another part of her chanted at her to open the damn door. she never would've imagined that her life would change so much that she wouldn't even feel the same about acting anymore. but here she was, having a mini panic attack in front of two big doors.

"you going in or are you just gonna be auditioning out here?"

jihye twisted her head, making eye contact with a familiar-looking tall figure. immediately, his strong manly vanilla scent... or was it apple cider? whatever good-smelling scent he was using, it enriched her nose, more so the fact that his body was practically pressing right onto her. he looked at her with a puzzled expression, pushing his glasses up his nose as they began shifting down.

the girl shuffled to the side. oh, it was him. you would be insane to not know who he was. lee donghuck, that is.

the simply most talked about senior, the captain of the soccer team and infamous for his crazily charming personality. him and the five of his friends, including jeno, were undeniably the most-known clan in the school. the dream jocks.

yet here his tall, athletic presence was, standing in the performing arts building, fingers wrapped around his bulking soccer bag that slung on his shoulders. jihye had never been in such close proximity to him before, let alone ever spoken to him before. she never realised how attractive he actually was, especially since she had never seen him with his glasses on before.

unlike his usual intimidating look, donghyuck, in jihye's eyes, looked soft and sweet. if she had not known who he was, she would've definitely assumed he was an arts student. 'woah he's cute.' she thought to herself. and his hair, it had been dyed a dark-washed purple-grey shade, complimenting his grey crewneck. very, very attractive.

she tried not to overreact though. she had heard enough from jeno that he wasn't worth all the hype the other girls claimed he deserved. the side of her lips churned up into a small courtesy smile, before stirring clear of the way and inching away from his body once again.

"oh, sorry. you can go in."

but donghyuck didn't move a bit. he searched her face for any sign of sarcasm, but all he found were looks of nerves. her shoulders were hunched as if she was carrying the heaviest backpack, though it was most empty it had ever been. she was fidgeting like a mess, fingers cracking against one another. han jihye was totally a ball of nerves.

"what about you?" he asked. jihye was getting a bit frustrated that he was still here, witnessing her embarrassing display of nervousness. "han jihye," the sound of her name being called by him made her look at up him. "why are you so nervous? this is your thing." he grinned.

jihye pursed her lips as if she acknowledged his compliment but was still feeling quite defeated. donghyuck watched, waiting for a response - waiting for her to say anything, slightly disappointed at the lack of reaction towards him.

jihye exhaled a final time before patting her thighs as if she was shaking off her nerves. "what are you doing here anyways." she fixed her hair, mentally preparing herself to finally walk inside. "i never thought i'd ever see lee donghyuck at an audition." she took the initiative to open the door, feeling less nervous now that she wouldn't have to enter in alone.

donghyuck froze for a second, slightly baffled at the attention she had given him, but quickly rushed to walk in beside her. his eyes never left her face, he watched as she halted for a split second, feeling a bit taken aback now that she was in the big room. "can't a guy just do what he pleases?" he teased, attempting to ease the girl from her worries.

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