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laying on her bed, jihye reminisced the warmth in her heart when she was with jeno. she recalled how fast her heart was pounding inside her chest. that was jeno. he always made her feel that way.

the three of them - jihye, iseul and jeno, had been the closest friends after being assigned as partners in a group assignment the first year of high school. ever since, they were always inseparable, spending every moment of the day with each other.

jeno and jihye got especially close. they knew everything about each other. they shared secrets that were only between the two of them and jeno was always there for jihye, at any situation, at any time. 

it got to a point when they both started to realise that they were beginning to attract one another. you know... romantically. but jihye immediately shut it down.

she was too scared that becoming a couple would cause them to ruin their friendship, and committing to one meant the possibility of a bad breakup. and breaking up meant their friendship would be long gone.

of course, however, her feelings for him were still there, if anything they might've grown even stronger, but jeno had moved on, and as much as she loved seeing him happy, there was still a part of her that wished she had just taken the gamble.

jihye opened the drawer of her bedside table, grabbing out the notebook with all the lyrics of her original songs. she walked towards her keyboard on the other side of her room, setting up her phone to record her singing.

it had been a while since she sat in that seat. after seojun, jihye completely blocked out anything related to music and just thinking about playing instruments almost disgusted her. but the feeling of her fingers against the keys that produced such beautiful sounds and melodies immediately made her fall in love with music again.

[video above, 1:14 minutes]

she cleared her throat, playing her song. ❝took me out to the ballet, you proposеd, i went on the road,❞ jihye sang, eyes switching from her notebook to the keys.

❝you was feelin' empty, so you lеft me, now i'm stuck dealin' with a deadbeat.❞ she imagined jeno with jules, smiling and laughing together in love sitting as they sit in front of her. such a beautiful eyesore.

she watched her fingers as they unconsciously glide across the keys. it made her realise this song had become a muscle memory from all the times she had played it. ❝if i'm real, i deserve less,  if i was you, i wouldn't take me back, i pretend when i'm with a man, it's you~❞

❝and i know that it's too late i don't wanna lose... what's left of you!❞ she closed her eyes. ❝how am i supposed to tell ya? i don't wanna see you with anyone but me.. nobody gets me like you.❞

her voice was raw and rich of emotions. ❝how am i supposed to let you go? only like myself when i'm with you, nobody gets me, you do ~ you do.... nobody gets me you do...❞ jihye closed her eyes, feeling the music before pursing her lips, the air in her cheeks making her look round, as she leant forward to end the recording.

posting the video on instagram for her almost nine thousand followers to watch, jihye feeling satisfied with her performance, crawled back into the warmth of her bed, ready to sleep.

that was until her phone kept dinging from non-stop notifications. it was mainly friends and other people complimenting her voice, but what stood out to her was a notification that said leedonghyuck_ had replied to her story.

she was confused to see his name, unable to recall a time when they ever followed or interacted with each other on social media. she pressed his message.

𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄, lee donghyuckWhere stories live. Discover now