Let me help you

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Something was wrong with Alma. Lorelai had known it for the past week, but as was her custom, Alma had been avoiding all attempts at conversation about it. It was infuriating for Lorelai, watching the love of her life walking around, pulled into herself, slowly getting worse. Lorelai managed to corner the bird in the kitchen, literally. She had taken her by the waist and lifted her up, seating her on the counter. Lorelai stood between Alma's knees, still holding her waist. 

"What's wrong my love?" 

"Lorelai, I've already told you. There's nothing wrong, now let me down and stop being a bother, I have work to do" Alma said harshly. She attempted to jump down from the countertop but Lorelai, being taller and much stronger, easily held her there "Let me go Lorelai!"

"No, because there is something wrong with you, and I can't bare to see you like this. Tell me what's wrong, my love, I want to help you"

"Nothing is wrong"

"Alma, dear, you called me a bother," Alma's face drops, now covered in guilt. She looks to the ground "you wouldn't say that unless there was something wrong"

It was painfully clear how terrible Alma felt. A single tear rolled down her cheek, which was quickly and gently wiped away by Lorelai. But, much to Lorelai's dismay, Alma transformed, flying out of the open window. Lorelai was left alone, listening to the children in the garden. The room seemed to go cold. Something was definitely wrong. 


"Alma! Alma are you in here?" Lorelai surfaced in her cave, their cave, and pushed her hair out of her eyes. She scans the room, quickly noticing the woman sat on her rock. She was crying, her face hidden in her hands. Lorelai spoke softly, not wanting to push her away again "Darling?"

Alma looked up, and Lorelai pulled herself out of the water, her tail shifting to legs. She walked over to the Ymbryne, sitting beside her. Alma's eyes were full of tears, her face was puffy and it was clear she has been crying for a while. Neither of them said anything. Lorelai pulled Alma into her arms, the birds face falling into the crook of her neck, arms tight about the Ymbrynes waist. They sat in silence for a while, Lorelai playing with Alma's hair as the Ymbryne simply cried. It was only when her crying slowed, and her breaths evened, that Lorelai spoke to Alma.

"Let me help you"

"I- I can't" she replied in a broken whisper "I can't burden you with this"

"My dear, you could never burden me, do you understand? I am here to help you, with whatever it may be. Talk to me, my love, let me in"

"I can't"

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