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The world had been plagued by strange happenings for months - well, maybe strange wasn't the best word for it; peculiar was perhaps a better choice. Storms in usually tropical waters, ships disappearing on usually easy journeys , tides coming in and out at unusual times. Normals dismissed it as a natural phenomenon, hell, the world had been through worse. The Council of Ymbrynes on the other hand... they knew better. 

A letter was dispatched immediately, not to everyone, but to one loop in particular, on a little island off the coast of Wales, to one particular Ymbryne. 

Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine, 

It has come to our attention that one particular peculiar, one the council has been made aware of in the past, has been causing issues in the normal world - strange occurrences noticed, and luckily brushed off, by normals. The name of this peculiar?

Lorelai Kozlovsky 

It is our wish that, should Miss Kozlovsky reappear in your loop, you turn her over to the Council of Ymbrynes for trial. Her actions will be assessed and a suitable punishment shall be determined. Any attempt to aid or conceal Miss Kozlovsky shall result in loop closure an your reassignment.

Best wishes,

The Council of Ymbrynes. 


Of course, Alma thought, folding the letter and tossing it in a drawer, of course Lorelai was causing trouble - it was in her nature. In her mind, Lorelai should do better handing herself to the Ymbryne council than try showing up on her doorstep. The moment she saw her, she wouldn't be able to control herself. She might actually kill her. 

Deciding a flight around the island, outside the loop, would clear her head. Alma rose from her armchair, pulled on her shoes and exited the house, telling Emma to watch over the house while she was gone. 


She was right. The flight did clear her head - of Lorelai. But while she was out there, a new issue emerged. Jacob Portman, unannounced, arriving on the island. She knew what this meant, she knew the connotations, but she refused to admit it to herself. 

She refused to lose another person. 

A/N - Really short because I'm hyperfocused on another fic (i also don't like jake)

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