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July 14th 2016. 30 years to the day since Lorelai had left. Alma had convinced herself she had moved on. The children had given up hope of the sirens return, accepting the fact she was simply a phase in their lives, now over. 

They still saw her every now and then - in the corner of their eyes. She sat at the still abandoned chair in the kitchen (no one else, not even Alma dared to seat themselves there - it was Lorelai's after all). She stood on the beach as they passed on their daily walks. She hovered in the corner of the dining room, besides the fireplace, looking over them as they ate, ensuring, even in her absence that the children finished their food. 

Alma seemed to be the only one who couldn't see her. Seemed. But in truth she saw Lorelai more than everyone else combined. The siren had become a ghost, attached in some unknown way to the beams of the ceiling, to the very soul of the house. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Alma to walk into her bedroom to find Lorelai curled on the window seat, nose in one of the Ymbryne's books, seemingly awaiting her arrival. 

Sometimes she appeared so real that Alma had to forcibly remind herself that it was simply an illusion, conjured by her mind. She had to remind herself that the siren had left, returning to the ocean from whence she came, leaving her with no better explanation than 'This is about me and the things I cannot do'

A/N - This is a filler chapter just to make you guys sad for a bit longer <3

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