Broken Hearts

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The tension in the house was suffocating. Lorelai and Alma had not spoken a word to each other, but neither was in a well enough condition to travel back to Cairnholm. So they simply went about their days avoiding one another, diving into rooms or corridors if they saw the other approaching. 

Lorelai could not face her, hell, she could not face her own reflection. The night before she had hung a towel over the mirror in her room after she caught herself in the corner of her eye.  Despite her promise to Miss Nuthatch, she wouldn't eat. Everything, even something as simple as bread and water tasted, to her, of flesh and blood. The mere thought of it made her nauseous. 

Alma was in a similar situation. She couldn't take care of herself. She couldn't eat. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't even get out of bed anymore. She simply lay there, staring at the ceiling through tear flooded eyes, hoping beyond hope that she would wake up in her bed back in Cairnholm, to find it had all been a terrible dream. But she didn't. 


Lorelai was sat in the window of her room that night, staring at the bustling town below. The door behind her opened, and Amy walked in, something hidden in her Jacket. Lorelai looked over at her and forced herself to smile. 

"Hey" said Amy, shutting the door behind her "I brought you something. Figured you might need a pick up"

She pulled, to Lorelai's great amusement, a bottle of what looked to be a bottle of Vodka from Miss Nuthatch's private stash. The false smile on her face transformed into a real one. She jumped up from the floor where she was sat and dived over to her, taking the bottle from her.

"Amy you are my favourite child" She laughed, popping the cap off the bottle and taking a swig.

Amy smiled and backed out of the room. Lorelai took another drink and slumped onto her bed, fully intending to black out. 


The next room Amy went to was Miss Peregrines. Knocking on the door, she pulled a bottle of Red Wine, the only alcohol she would drink according to Lorelai, from her other inside pocket. 

"Come in" A weak voice said.

"I brought you something" Amy said, pushing open to door and walking over to the bed where Miss Peregrine was laying. 

Alma looked over to her and, reluctantly, hiding her excitement, took the bottle. Amy left the room, her trap set.


When Lorelai woke up the next morning, she had no memories of the previous night, just as she had planned. There was something strange though, she wasn't in the room with the yellow walls. Everything around her was a very pale blue. There was something else as well, a weight on her chest, something tickling on her leg. She looked down and...




Alma Peregrine, unconscious, was laying next to her, her head on Lorelai's chest and an arm over her waist. And another thing, she was completely naked. 

Lorelai hurried out of bed, careful not to wake the Ymbryne, grabbed a robe from the back of the door and hurried to her own room. When she got there, she noticed the empty bottle of Vodka laying on her unmade bed. 

"Oh God" She said, pacing back and forth, a hand on her head "Ебать! Святой Бля!"

She yelled a string of Russian swear words, so profane they would have her grandmother rolling in her grave. She took her hair in her hands and frantically passed back and forth, still swearing. Amy appeared in the doorway, seemingly startled by the swearing.

"Are you okay, what happened?"

"What did you do?" Lorelai screamed "Why would you do that?"

Amy looked at the ground, and Lorelai simply punched the wall, her hand hurting so much she thought she must have broken her knuckle. She was fucked. Well and truly fucked. 

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