Chapter 9

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Arianna's P.O.V

I stared at the vehicle in front of me and instantly became excited.

"This is what we're taking?" I asked amazed as I ran my hand across the motorcycle.

"Yep." He said pulling a pair of keys from his pocket.

"How did you even get this?" I asked surprised.

"I have always wanted one, so I went and bought one...yesterday, I think." He explained. " I still haven't tried it out yet." He added, grabbing two helmets off the shelf. Whoa what?

"Wait, you haven't tried it out yet?"

"Well no, but don't worry, I've ridden a motorcycle before, just not this one." He said quickly. Ok, I guess that's a little reassuring. He handed me the black polished helmet and helped me ease it over my head. He then quickly slid his helmet on and swiftly kicked his leg over the bike and sat down. I stood there watching as he started the motorcycle up, it's engine roaring to life. The sound of the engine caused me to jump slightly and made me realize how nervous I was becoming. The excitement that had once built up inside of me began to fade as a constant stream of worst case scenarios flashed through my mind.

"Arianna." Zayn said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah."

" Are you going to get on?" He asked. I studied the bike and then him before approaching the motorcycle and climbing on. I sat behind Zayn with my arms hanging freely at my sides.

"Ok Arianna hold onto me." He instructed. I hestitantly wrapped my arms loosely around his body. I shifted uncomfertably, still nervous about this whole situation.

"It's going to be fine ok, I promise." Zayn assured me, he could probably see how nervous I was. I nodded against his back in response to his words.

"Ready?" He asked. I took a deep breath before nodding, "Ready."

Zayn willed the motorcycle forward, causing me to quickly tighten my grip around his body. I heard a faint laugh from him which caused me to smile, slightly embarrassed at my impluse.

We continued to speed down the street along the beach, as all my worries quickly disappeared. I briefly caught view of my small portion of beach before, slowly resting my head on Zayn's back. My hair that wasn't tucked underneath my helmet flew freely behind me as Zayn easily maneuvered our way passed other vehicles. Zayn slowed down as we came to red traffic light. The bike came to a complete stop and he positioned his foot on the ground to keep us balanced.

"You doing ok back there?" Zayn asked, I could tell by his voice he was smiling.

"Never Better."

The light flashed green and Zayn pushed his foot off the ground and proceeded forward.

"Which way am I going?" He said loudly over the wind buzzing passed us. I looked up and scanned around us before figuring out where we were.

"Just continue down this way to the end of this street and then take a left." I instructed. I stared to my left, studying the passing shops and scenery as Zayn followed my instructions and leaned with the bike to take a sharp left. This action took me briefly by surprise causing me once again to wrap my arms tighter around his torso, only this time, a small scream slipped out of my mouth. Zayn's stomach began to tense up as he laughed at my actions.

"Calm down Ari, we're fine." He assured briefly shooting me a smile.

"I know, I know." I rushed, resting my head on his back once again before calming down. "Take another left and go all the way down passed the intersection before turning right and exiting on Braun." I continued. He nodded before revving the engine and speeding down the way.

"Turning." Zayn warned before taking another sharp left. This time I was ready and was able to turn without screaming.


Arianna's P.O.V

Zayn cut the engine before I released my hold of him and got off the motorcycle.

"We're here!" I announced happily, slipping my helmet from my head. Zayn got off and followed my example. I handed him my helmet and began fixing stray pieces of my hair as he secured both helmets to the motorcycle.

"Where exactly is here?" He asked gesturing to the building in front of us. It was a bare building, giving off no indication of what was actually inside. Simple red block letters were above the door spelling 'FOUR square'.

"The funnest place on earth." I answered as if it were obvious.

"I thought that was DisneyLand?" He challenged.

"No, that's the most magical place on earth, this..." I said gesturing to the building," is the funnest place on earth.

Zayn scanned the almost empty parking lot, I watched as an old plastic store bag blew passed us.

"Oh yeah...looks so fun." Zayn said with a sarcastic smirk. I smiled and pushed him forward toward the building.

"C'mon it's what's inside that counts." I said as we walked across the parking lot for the entrance. "Trust me, it'll be fun."


Arianna's P.O.V

"Told you." I smirked as Zayn stared at the scenery. The whole layout was setup into four parts: arcade and food, go-karts and mini golf, trampolines, fun-boxes and rock climbing, and lastly indoor skydiving. Besides the beach, this was the place I practically lived at during the summer when I was little.

"Yeah the exterior of the building doesn't do this place justice." Zayn said still looking around. I smiled.

"So what do you want to do first?" I asked. Zayn studied the layout map once more, debating on what to do first.

"Go-karts sounds fun." A smile tugged at my lips at his choice.

"Only if you're prepared to lose." I smiled. Zayn's eyebrows raised as a smile formed on his lips.

"And what makes you so sure I'm going to loose?" Zayn asked in a challenging manor.

"All I'm saying is, you may know your way around a motorcycle...but I know my way around a go-cart." I smirked.

"Ok then lets see." He said as we made our way over to the go-karting section.

"Ok, but lets make this even more interesting, loser buys lunch." I proposed.

"Deal." Zayn said confidently.

There was no one in the line for go-karts so we went straight through and each picked one out. I sat in a hot pink one and drove to the starting line. Zayn rode up next to me, sitting in a red one. I flashed a smile in his direction as the single staff member recited the rules.

"Seat belts." I the worker said before tugging at mine to make sure it was secure. He did the same for Zayn before quickly starting the countdown. The lights above us prepared for the start.



Zayn and I looked at each other one last time.


I pressed the gas.


******Hey guys again sorry for the late update. I swear I'm getting worse and worse at updating on time. Ill probably update once more this week to make it up to you guys. Thank you for reading!!! It means the world to me:D*****

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