Chapter 14

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Ariana's P.O.V

I walked back down the hard stairs slowly, before entering the kitchen. I found Zayn sitting on the table studying his phone with an uneaten donut next to him.


His eyes went from his phone to mine.

"Can we talk?" I asked suddenly. He nodded in response before standing up from the table and following me. I opened the back door to the elevated wooden porch before stepping down and heading for the wooden steps to the beach. Zayn followed quietly behind.

We walked side by side for a few minutes before I finally got the courage to speak.

"Zayn I know you know about my dad. "

His shoulders tenced in response, confirming the undoubted fact that Danny did tell him. We continued to walk in silence as I waited for Zayn to say something, anything...

"Zayn I didn't tell you because I didn't want this to happen." I admitted when I realized Zayn wasn't going to say anything.

"I didn't want you to act like this. Treat me like this." I admitted. He looked at me with confused and sad eyes. I shook my head, too familiar with that look too.

"Zayn I understand if you can't do this anymore, we can go back to being friends." I said, My heart slightly falling at my words.

Zayn gently grabbed my arm, stopping us in the sand. He positioned himself so he was directly in front of me, his height looming above me.

"I don't want to go back to being friends."

I looked him in the eyes, and sadly shook my head and turned away.

"Zayn, you look at me with pity in your eyes now that you know. I hate it." I said quietly.

He tilted my face so I was facing his, he wore a calm smile, making my heart flutter. I mentally cursed, hating how he could make me feel, but at the same time loving it.

"I hate that look too." He said softly. "It was starting to become a normal thing back home..,that's one of the reasons I came here, to get a break from that."

I stared at him, remembering about his girlfriend.

"I never got that look with you, even when you found out. That's one of the many reasons why I don't want us to go back to being friends."

He paused. "I want us to be more."

He slowly inched his face closer to mine, causing my eyes to flutter shut, untill our lips met in a sweet lingering kiss. I placed my hands on his neck as he gently cupped my face.

We pulled away and rested our foreheads against one another. We stood there for a moment staring into each others eyes.

"Let's just accept that we each have things that didn't turn out the way we wanted them to." I said. He nodded against my head.

"And lets just accept that things can get better." He said.

I smiled, making a promise to myself that things will get better.


Ariana's P.O.V

I sat comfortably on the couch, curled up next to Zayn as we watched t.v. The events from this morning still happily in my mind as we had come to terms with everything we needed to. The thuds of Danny's footsteps caused both Zayn and I to look towards the stairs. Danny finally appeared, showing a confused expression as he took our image in.

"So....are you guys...good?" He asked hesitantly.

I smiled as Zayn nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Oh come on mate!" Danny complained. "We can do without the whole PDA stuff!"

I let out a light laugh as Zayn wrapped his arms tighter around me. Danny rolled his eyes.

"Alright whatever." He said with a smile, before sitting down on the couch right next to Zayn and casually starting to watch t.v. Zayn and I both looked at him. He looked at us with a slight confusion, before figuring out why we were staring at him.

"Oh no." He said with a smile. "Oh no no no no no. I am not a third wheel!" He protested. I laughed.

"Yeah you kinda are." I admitted.

"Not even! If anything, you're the third wheel!" He said with a smile. "Before this," he said motioning at Zayn and I, "there was this." He continued, motioning at Zayn and him. Zayn and I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, and don't you forget that." Danny finished with a smile.

"I never will." Zayn said proudly, "because without this," Zayn said motioning to him and Danny, "I never would have had this." He said giving me a kiss. I smiled and looked at Danny. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever mate," he said jumping up from the couch, "I'm stealing your motorcycle!" He declared with a smile, before grabbing the keys off the counter and sending one last smile our way before disappearing into the garage. I looked up at Zayn waiting to see if he would put up any protest.

"It's fine, I was planning on giving it to him before I left anyway." He said kissing my lips. I nodded and snuggled back into his side. Only this time my mind was occupied with Zayns words. 'Before I left' he had said.

It made me realize that at the end of the summer, reality would come back to hit me.


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