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Flash! Flash! Camera's flashed as crime scene investigators and forensic scientists taken photos of the horrific scene. Plants had been knocked off, everywhere all over the floor, acid had leaked, and chemicals were everywhere. Batman, Robin and Batgirl had turned up at the scene, as they walked through the barriers, meeting Jim Gordon.

The four approached a body of a scientist, who lay on the ground, his eyes were open and a weird ghostly, green/white colour, they could see his veins in his face, as acid had burned his skin, as well as him covered in vines and soil. "DOCTOR JASON WOODRUE", Batman said, looking at the doctor's name tag. Batman looked around for more evidence.

After the scientists investigated the death, they came back with results that venom had been in contact with their lips, killing them. Batman thought to himself, "this was a Wayne Enterprises lab, the person who did this must be another scientist...".

Bruce sat in the cave, at the Batcomputer, "Doctor Jason Woodrue, funded by Wayne Enterprises, set up a Euro preservation project in South America", Bruce said allowed, researching Doctor Woodrue. Bruce looked at a black and white photograph of all the scientists, seeing Woodrue in the image, then thinking...did Woodrue have any rivals ?.

After continuing to research, and found out that he had a class, and one of his students had been hospitalised for six months...Pamela Isley.

He proceeded to research more on Pamela Isley now, in which he found out that she'd been hospitalised for poisoning, but was now free.

After looking through an address book, he discovered that Pamela was now living in an apartment, so he decided to pay a visit.

Sometime later, Batman ran across the rooftops of Gotham, finally reaching her apartment building, as he watched from a ledge, pulling out a pair of binoculars looking through the windows, however couldn't find Pamela.

He glided onto the fire escape balconly, as he shined a torch through, trying to find her, however couldn't. "She must be out, she's young after all", he thought as he left the scene returning to the Batmobile.

Meanwhile, Batgirl and Robin were on patrol, when they heard the alarm going off, from the Gotham Museum of Antiques.

After the two arrived at the museum, they entered through the window, and found a trail of guards throughout with darts in them, leaving them in a similar state of Doctor Woodrue. "Batman, I think we have a lead at the Antique museum, we've found bodies in a similar state of Doctor Woodrue", Robin told Batman through the comms. "I'm on my way", Batman responded.

As the two proceeded to investigate, they found a woman with long red hair, dressed in a dark green skin tight green suit, resembling leaves, a pair of light green tights with jig heeled shoes and a green eye mask. "Well that's not what I was expecting...", Robin said to Batgirl.

"I was expecting Batman", the woman said, "what's wrong? Not intimidating enough?", Batgirl responded, then added, "not too intimidating yourself", as the woman turned to some guards who had glowing green eyes, "kill them", she said, as the guards ran to them, as they began to fight. "Robin countered an attack from a guard, hitting him in the head, "what's with the eyes?", Robin said, "didn't think mind control was possible", he added as the two proceeded to fight off the guards.

As they fought, Batgirl noticed the woman making her exit, so Batgirl grappled upwards, gliding over and landing in front of her. "Why leave so soon Red?", Batgirl asked her, Batgirl then noticed she was wearing a satchel, where she pulled out a vine, using it as a whip, so Batgirl jumped out of the way as it flew around, bouncing off objects. Batgirl pulled out two Batarang's throwing them at her, however she deflected them with the whip, managing to grapple onto Batgirl's legs with the whip, pulling her to the ground. "I noticed you ditched the Halloween costume, what's with the new outfit?", The Woman asked, as Batgirl responded, "at least I wasn't dressed as a garden", as Robin dived towards them, the woman suddenly pulled out a mini crossbow, firing at Robin, hitting him as he fell to the floor.

GOTHAM KNIGHT: YEAR THREE-VOLUME THREEWhere stories live. Discover now