6 ❧ c a r s a n d p i c t u r e s. ❧

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Show casing cars is pretty cool, never did Molly think she'd see her favorite cars or the cars that her brother told her about but never got to see in person. Harry even had a pretty nice car.

During the day, they both went to a car show and just walked around. It wasn't awkward like she thought it would be, and that's probably because the rest of the boys were with them. Harry didn't talk to her at all, but she chose to take it as a comfortable silence because she wasn't sure she wanted to face the fact that he heard her be so vulnerable over the phone the night before.

"I've heard this place is really good," Molly says to Niall.

"It is," he nods with a smile on his face. He helps lead her inside the restaurant with two body guards around them. One in front of the line, and one in the back. Harry stands in front of Niall while Molly is next to him, and Zayn and Louis are hip to hip behind them.

She can hear the voices of fans, whispering and the clicking noise of people taking pictures and maybe even videos. She kept her head down as she stepped inside the small restaurant. It's so small, she wouldn't even call it a restaurant.

They scanned the area but quickly decided to leave because the cameras were too much. Harry wasn't in the mood to deal with people swarming him today and the boys just wanted to eat privately.

They walked down the street to a food court that had lots of different types of foods. Mexican food, Italian food, Chinese and Indian food.

Molly went with a simple box of three Crane Asada tacos, with a side of sour cream and hot sauce. She ordered a water as well as Zayn. Harry went with a salad, and Niall and Louis both got Indian food.

They all sat down at a bench table off to the right of the food trucks and dug in.

"Harry told me that you write really well," Zayn said lowly, just between Molly and him.

She was a bit confused because she didn't know Harry knew she could write. How would he even—

"I'm sorry," she cleared her throat before asking, "when did he tell you this?"

His eyes never left her face as she spoke but when she lifted her head up to look at him, he felt the need to look away.

"This morning," he finally looked away, "before we all met up for the car show."

"Hm.." she nodded her head, and looked back down at her food before glancing up at Harry.

Still, like he had been all day long; he was ignoring her. There was no doubt that he could feel her stare burn into the side of his face, even Niall felt it. He turned his head and raised an eyebrow at Molly as he noticed her staring.

She glared her eyes, trying to make it known she was very not happy with him right now.

Had he lied to her when he told her he didn't read her lyrics? It's not like it's that big of a problem, she was going to show him eventually, but after she went over the words about a thousand times. She wanted it to be something that was good, good enough for her first time even writing as a serious note.

She's never wrote something and snag it before, she's only ever sang someone else's words. Not to mention, he told her he didn't read anything, therefor; he lied to her.

When Harry looked up from his phone, he was surprised to see Molly not staring at him anymore. He knew she was looking at him, and he knew that she was doing it to get his attention.

He hadn't been ignoring her to be mean, he sucked at lying and he knew if he looked at her that he'd end up spilling the beans himself. He knew she'd find out he lied to her.

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