Lights Off? Perfect!

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Music to play this chapter: Lights Out by Fishcracks.

The lights went out, and the music stopped. Catte got started by the sudden lack of lights.

Sudden disturbance in the power grid detected...

Unable to initiate low power outage mode...

Please stand by...

"Agh! Blackout! This is bad!" "Bad? This is great!" Catte looked at Dreamscaper with utter confusion. "How can you think this is great!?" "Just follow me!" He ran out of the gas room, Catte following close behind. He made his way through the facility, avoiding everyone battling, to the garden area. But instead of going directly into the garden, he took the furthest door on the right side of the hallway. "What...*HUFF*...are you...*PUFF*...doing?" Dreamscaper took some glowing blue headphones and placed them on his head. "We're going to give this server the best blackout in their lives. But first, we need to set it up."

After Dreamscaper's transfurmation into a Jammer was complete, he and Catte looked for a few Gootraxians that could help, even though Catte still had no idea what Dreamscaper was doing. They found the three slimepups that slept with Dreamscaper earlier and two Nightshades, one male and the other female. Dreamscaper didn't want players in his plan, so to make sure they were actual Gootraxians, he walked up to them, greeted them, and asked this question: "What's your username?" The two just looked confused. "What?" "Good. Can you come with me? I'm planning an event that's going to blow everybody's sock off!" The duo looked at each other. "Sure!" "Be glad to help ya, dude!" "Great! Come on!" When Dreamscaper, Catte, and the others got the crystal caverns, he whispered his plan to all of them. His plan? A Kaiju Paradise Rave Party, where both humans and Gootraxians are invited! But in order to set it up, Dreamscaper needed help. Therefore, he brought friends. He tasked the slimepups to spread the word through flyers, the two Nightshades to find equipment for the Rave, and Catte and himself for setting up the equipment. "Alright. Got it. But be careful, brah." "Yeah, my bro's right. We saw some humans wearing yellow suits, killing some Panthers. Not cool. Watch out for them." "Don't forget about the Nightcrawler, sis! They're bad news." "Oh, right." "Thanks. We'll keep those in mind. Alright, everyone, you know what to do!" "RIGHT!" And then everyone split up. Catte was a bit worried. "Are you sure this will work?" "As long as no tryhards or Nightcrawlers crash the party. You excited?" "Yeah, but what are we going to play there?" Dreamscaper laughed. "Isn't it obvious?" He put a hand on his headphones and struck a cool pose. "My JAMS, of course!"

As the Nightshades bring back equipment for the Rave, Dreamscaper and Catte begin setting it up. The slimepups return unscathed, with some humans and Gootraxians following them. They look at each other nervously, like they were expecting an attack. It doesn't last long, however, as some Gootraxians walked to some humans with kind gestures. They were replied with kind or semi-kind responses. It was hard for Dreamscaper to figure out which of the Gootraxians were players and which were not. The lack of player UI made it almost impossible, but there were some cues. As the stage was closer to completion, more and more came. Everyone was either talking to their side, the other side, or just sitting near the white crystals. When the stage was almost complete, some people started to murmur. When Dreamscaper looked at the spawn, he saw 5 humans wearing hazmat suits. 4 of them were unrecognizable to him, but one he remembered well. "White Jack..." To his surprise, they didn't attack any Gootraxians. Physically, at least. I guess they want to listen to music, too. Soon, the stage was built, and all the players on the server and all Gootraxians were standing in front of it. "All right. Let's do this." Dreamscaper walked onto the stage. "WHAT'S UP, EVERYBODY!!!" There were cheers and hollers. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? CUS, I'LL TELL YOU! IT'S JAM O CLOCK!!!" He flipped a switch, and the music started blaring!

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