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2012, Stark Tower
Hope leaves her room in the Stark Tower and heads down to the living room where Pepper is about to try and see if the Tower can run on clean energy. "Okay, I'm here now sorry I was talking to Natasha on the phone." Pepper smiles. "It's okay sweetheart, we weren't going to start without you. Your father is just finishing up the last thing for us to go off the grid."
Hope nods her head and looks at the screen with Pepper. "So, how's school? Oh! And your friends what are their names again?" She smiles at the thought of them. "School is school. I don't understand why I have to go when everything they teach me I pretty much already know. And their names are Olivia and Sophia. The fraternal twins, remember?"
"Their parents are the Stallard-Menken's right? I remember hearing something about them the other day. You should hang out with them a bit more sweetheart, that's the reason your father and I have you in school. So, you can meet people your own age."
Hope rolls her eyes. "I don't need 'people my own age' I have you, dad, Nat, and Happy. I'm pretty sure that's all the people I need."
"Sweetie, just trust us. You'll thank your father and I for letting you have a somewhat normal life."
Just as Pepper finishes her sentence they can hear Tony's voice. "You're good on this end. The rest is up to you." Pepper turns to her screen. "You disconnected the transition lines? Are we off the grid?"
Hope looks at the monitor to see Tony inside his Iron Man suit. "Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy." Pepper continues to talk to Tony. "Wow. So maybe our reactor takes over, and it actually works?" "I assume. Light her up." They can see Tony flying closer to the tower as Pepper turns on the power and the Stark sign lights up. Hope speaks interrupting the couple.
"How does it look?" "Like Christmas, but with more... me." Hope laughs slightly as Pepper begins to talk again. "Gotta go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to do some press. I'm in DC tomorrow. I'm working on the zoning for the next three buildings." Hope rolls her eyes playfully. "Mom, come on, you're kind of ruining the moment here." Pepper playfully glares at me while Tony speaks up. "I agree with the kid, remember the moment? Enjoy the moment." Pepper sighs at the two of us. "Then get in here and I will."
Tony comes flying to the penthouse in his iron man suit and steps into the machine to take his suit off. As he comes in, the two girls are watching the reactor device on the monitors. "Levels are holding steady... I think" Pepper tells Tony as he walks up to the two of us. "Of course, they are, I was directly involved. Which brings me to my next question: how does it feel to be geniuses?"
Pepper rolls her eyes while Hope chuckles. "Well, ha, I really wouldn't know now, would I?" Tony mocks a confused face. "What do you mean? All this came from the two of you." The two women in the room shake their heads at him. "No dad, all this came from that." Hope says while pointing at the arc reactor in his chest. "Give yourselves some credit, please." He looks at the two of them.