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"You look great. You look really great." Hope gives him a side eye as he compliments her mother in front of her.
Pepper still looks shocked by his appearance. "God, you look...you look great. I... I...I can't... What on earth have you been doing?"
"Nothing fancy, just five years in the hands of physical therapists. And please, call me Aldrich."
Happy looks him up and down. "Uh...you were supposed to be issued a security badge."
Pepper puts her hand on Happy's chest and taps it. "Happy, it's okay."
"We're good."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Stand down."
"Okay. I'm gonna linger, right here."
"Thank you."
"Okay." Happy steps out of Pepper's office and closes the glass door.
"It's very nice to see you, Killian. This is Hope, my daughter she just wanted to see my job for the day, so she'll be joining us."
Aldrich turns to Hope, who he can tell is very protective of her mother. "It's nice to meet the girl who has a special place in Pepper's heart."
Hope gives him a half smile not wanting Pepper to think she was being rude to him. "Nice to meet you, seems I didn't even know about you until right now."
Aldrich laughs while Pepper gives her a look as the three sit down.
Aldrich starts his presentation to Pepper. "After years dodging the President's ban on "immoral biotech research", my think tank now has a little something in the pipeline. It's an idea we like to call Extremis. I'm gonna turn your lights down."
He dims the lights and then holds in his hand three small metal balls. "Regard the human brain."
He throws the balls onto the coffee table and as they roll and stop, they project a 3D image into the room. "Uh...wait. Hold on, hold on. That's...that's the universe, my bad." Hope rolls her eyes. "But if I do that..."
Aldrich presses his projector control which changes the 3D image to show the inside of the brain. "That's the brain. Strangely mimetic though, wouldn't you say?"
Pepper looks at the brain that's being projected. "Wow, that's amazing!"
"Thanks, it's mine." Pepper turns to him confused. "What?"
"This...you're inside my head. It's a..." He taps behind his ear, referring to something embedded inside his head. "It's a live feed. Come on up, I'll prove it to you."
Aldrich rises from the couch and stands on the coffee table. "Come on." He helps Pepper to stand on the coffee table next to him, they stand directly in the 3D image while Hope watches the two in discontent.