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Luke's P.O.V

     "I'm not here to inspire you, I'm here to make you better at your preferred art method but most importantly you're here for my own success" He yelled threw the large art theatre. He didn't at all look like he produced price-less art but that's what he did. I looked around, people around me ranged from 16 to 60. I was no different.

     My name's Luke Hemmings, I'm 18. My major is art with graphic design as a side subject. My best friend, Haley suggested this art method class to me. "Oi Blondie!" The teacher yelled toward me.

     I snapped my head up, looking at him "M- Me?" I stuttered, pointing to my chest as if saying 'me' wasn't enough.

     "Yes you, what's your art method?" His green eyes burned into me, I couldn't help but notice how his tongue darted out to lick his lips every few seconds as if they where constantly dry.

     I looked down at my lap then back up "Ske- Sketching with raw materials and painting" The class was looking at me, putting an unseen pressure on my chest to act cool and calm.

     The teacher smiled lopsided, making my heart skip a beat "What's your preferred model?" What? did he mean what do I draw or out of a guy and a girl who do I prefer. I decided to go with something that would surly make people laugh even if it had nothing to do with art.

     "Science" I croaked almost bailing on my plan to be funny. Thank god it worked because the class erupted in small giggles and laughs "Very funny, Quiff." He rolled his eyes getting back to the lesson. I couldn't help but smile to myself, being popular was never my thing but I have to admit in that moment, making everyone laugh like the classic High School class clown kinda made me want to be popular. Be adored by everyone.

      "At the end of this year, I will be choosing 1 of you to come work with me as my assistance and model" The class erupted in whispers, all the girls pushing out there chests, hoping they could sexually lure him in. I wasn't here for that, I simply wanted to improve my art skills.

     "For those who don't know my name, I'm Michael." The name was sweet, the face that went along sweeter. I felt something towards him and I could only hope that he was gay.

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