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a/n: since it seems to piss so many of you guys i'll not add cliff. there you get jason newsted. i hope you're happy. i wrote this to try and feel better, as i have not cared for writing recently. so i don't care how bad you think it is, i just want to try and get back into writing.

I can't stand that Ulrich boy.

The way he complains about absolutely everything, it annoys me. I've never understood what my brother found interesting about Lars.

"Pheebs! Snap out of it." James yelled, snapping his fingers in front of my face, startling me a bit. "What do you want James?" even my brother annoyed me like Lars did at points. "I want you to pay attention! What do you think of the song so far?" he asked me, a smile on his face. "Sounds fine. Tell Lars to be a good drummer."

James groaned, leaning back into his chair. "What the fuck is your problem with Lars? We've both known him for the same amount of time. All he is is nice to you!" I rolled my eyes, "He bugs me. I just don't like him. I'm leaving." I told him, getting off the chair I was forced to sit in. James looked at Lars, shrugging.

I went to the kitchen they had at the studio, I sat at the table and chose a magazine they had on the table. Of course it's not anything of interest to me, it's all magazines of women. What else do I expect from these boys?

Awhile later, James came in telling me they were done. "Yo Pheebs we're leaving now!"

I sighed of happiness, getting off the uncomfortable chair I had sat on. I waved goodbye to Kirk and Jason, they waved back. Lars was following us out the door, I assumed he was going home at the same time. "SHOTGUN!" Lars shouted, grabbing the door handle to the passenger seat of James' car. What the hell? This guy isn't seriously coming home with James and I, is he? "James is he coming with us?" I groaned, James nodded with a smile on his face. I got into the back seat, slamming my door shut. I can't stand having Lars around, if he's staying the night I'm going to be pissed.

The drive was long. Longer than it usually felt. The entire time I had to listen to the awful noise of Lars shouting, with that stupid danish accent.

When we got home, I immediately left the car and ran inside. I was just going to stay in my room the entire time, I can just avoid Lars. "Dudeee Pheebs? Where are you?" I heard James shout from the hallway. "Room." I yelled back, James opened my door, Lars standing behind him. "Yo Lars is staying over for a week. Give up your bedroom for him." James told me. My jaw dropped, give up my bedroom for Ulrich? Over my dead body. "No. Get the fuck out." I tried closing the door, but James being stronger and taller didn't help. "C'mon Pheebs. Where's he gonna sleep?" I inhaled sharply, "Where will he sleep? Where am I gonna fucking sleep? Ulrich can screw off. I don't want him in my room!" I shouted, James threw his head back in annoyance.

"Guess we gotta share! Thanks Pheebs!" Lars pushed past James, throwing his bag on my floor. "Don't call me Pheebs, Ulrich. And get out of my room. I don't want you in here!" I tried to get him out, "Awww you don't wanna stay with me? Thats to bad!" he laughed, putting an arm around my shoulders. "Get your hands off me, GET. OUT." I pushed him away from me. He put his hands up in defence, walking over to my bed and laying on it. I cannot STAND this man. James had left, seeing as Lars claimed my room, so I took the chance to grab my pillow and hold it over Lars' face. "Wow alright! Chill!" he chuckled, hitting me with the pillow. "Get out!" I shouted at him. "Interesting position we're in, aye?" he laughed, pointing out to me that I was straddling his lap. I gasped and immediately got off of him, throwing my pillow at him.

I gave up on trying to get him out of my room. I wasn't going to sleep outside of my room, I will find a way to stay here.

"Ulrich I'm going to shower, don't destroy my room please." I told him, getting off my floor. He waved to me, watching as I took my pajamas out of my dresser. I went into the bathroom, locking the door, as it was connected to my room. I turned on the water, making sure it was the right temperature before getting in. I took my clothes off, throwing them into the laundry basket. The warm water felt calming against my back, receiving me from all my annoyance with Lars.

I finished showering, drying off and putting on my pyjamas. I don't want to go out there, it's peaceful being away from Lars.

There was loud knocking at the door, "Pheebs I need to use the bathroom!" Lars cried, "Then go use the guest bathroom not mine!" I yelled at him. He kicked my door and ran off, what an asshole. I went back into my bedroom, and locked my door so Lars couldn't get back in. I'm so smart sometimes!

"Pheeeeeebs let me innn!" Lars shouted, banging on my door. "Stop calling me Pheebs, and no go sleep in my brothers room!"

"James calls you Pheebs why can't I? James' room is messy, yours is nice! Plus you have a queen siz-" I opened the door, I didn't want to listen to him anymore. I got back on my bed, Lars came and sat next to me. "Dude get off my bed!" I pushed him a bit, "No! You have to share it!" he pushed back. "Lars stop acting like a fucking kid! I'll set you up a spot on my floor you can sleep just get off my bed!"

He rolled his eyes with a smirk, and finally got off my bed. I set up a spot on my floor with an air mattress and blankets, shooing him off to lay on that.

Finally, my bed to myself. "Lars play something on my record player" I told him, he got up and dug through my record collection, playing ride the lightning. "You chose to listen to your own music? Jesus christ Lars.." I laughed at him, he smiled back.

"Can I stop the music, I'm tired?" he asked while yawning, "You're like 30 seconds into the song bit fine. I'm going to sleep too." I huffed, rolling my blanket around me. I didn't want to sleep, but the earlier I went to bed the more time I'd get away from talking to Lars.

{~The Unnamed Feeling~} Lars Ulrich x reader Where stories live. Discover now