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"Pheebs? Pheebs. Pheebs!" Lars had woken me up, "Huh? What? What time is it.." I yawned. I looked at my clock, 2:56 am? "W-why're you up..?" I croaked. "I'm like... kinda cold. Can I have another blanket?" he whispered. I had no idea what was happening, but for some reason I told him to lay in my bed with me.

"Why do you want me to sleep in your bed?" he chuckled. "Wha.. just get in I'm getting cold.."

Lars got into my bed, he was definitely frozen. I faced away from him, his back facing me.


I woke up to the feeling of arms around my waist. Who the hells arms are these? I turned around slightly, looking at who was in my bed... Lars? What the hell? "Hey! When the hell did you get here?" I whispered to Lars, no answer. He looked so calm, sleeping peacefully. I liked Lars when he was like this. Wait what? I hate Lars why would I think that. But you know... when someone isn't being all annoying an energetic, they're a cool person. I still hate him. Always have.

"Lars get off me or I'll make you." I demanded of him, as if he were awake. I pushed him a bit, making him snap out of his slumber. "Oh.. hey woah.. what am I doin here?" he giggled, obviously knowing why. "Dude I don't remember shit, why the hell are you in my bed cuddling me, get out." I shooed him off, slightly disgusted. "God, fine I'll get out of your room. You're such a jerk, all I try is to have fun and you're so boring about it. I'll go sit on the couch"

I shrugged, happy he was out of my room. An entire bed to myself? felt great.

I didn't care how late it was, I was tired, so I fell back asleep.

"PHEEEEEBS YOU ALIVE?" Lars shouted from outside my room, "What the.. the hell do you want." I yawned, looking at my alarm clock, 3 pm? Jeeze..

"It's like 3 and you're still sleeping so your brother made me check on you! I'm going home now, come say bye to me!"

Finally he was leaving. It wasn't much time, but it felt like a lot. I hate having Lars here. He's such a childish person it annoys me. I got out of bed, opening my door. Lars rushed in, grabbing his bag.

"BYE GUYS!" he yelled, running out of our house. How would he get home? No idea. Man I don't even know if I'm awake, it feels like a dream.

"James what the hell just happened?

"Uhhh... Lars left?"

I looked at him not understanding, confusion stinging my brain. I shrugged it off and went back to my room, closing my door behind me. I placed an Iron Maiden record on my record player, letting it play quietly so James couldn't hear it. Not like he had good hearing anyways, but just to be generous. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Why did I let Lars sleep in my bed? Did he even ask me? I can't remember anything. I hope he doesn't come back anytime soon, if he does I'd hope James cleans his hellhole of a room. But, what was the point of Lars coming over? He came over, did nothing but annoyed me then left. James and him didn't do anything. If you're going to come here at least do something.

James suddenly slammed on my door, "Pheebs open yo door!"

"It's unlocked!" I shouted at him. He opened my door, a grin plastered on his face. "What the hell do you want.." I asked him, "So... the other 3 are coming over tonight! And you gotta help me clean or something, or else they all gotta sleep in your room!"

The look of disgust and anger took over my face, why can't they just go stay at Lars' home or something? Why do they always come here? ONE OF THEM WAS JUST HERE. "God damnit James. If I help you clean, when the other 3 are here I am NOT coming out of my room." I sighed, stopping my record player. James smiled, "Cool thanks!"

James took me to his room, looking awfully proud. "James you literally just have clothes all over your floor. Do it yourself, Im going back." I groaned, heading back to my room. "Oh come on! At least help me with my mattress!" he shouted. "Jesus christ James, you're an adult man you can lift that yourself. Why the fuck is your mattress on the floor anyways?" I questioned. He shrugged, entering his room and slowly picking up clothes.

I wasn't going to help him, but it was awfully painful to watch him clean slowly. I shrugged it off and went back to my room, slamming the door shut. I put the needle back on the record, continuing to let it spin. "Pheebs turn that music up" James slammed on my wall. I turned up the music, then fell onto my bed.

{~The Unnamed Feeling~} Lars Ulrich x reader Where stories live. Discover now