The Beginning Of Something Beautiful

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Note: The beginning of this chapter is hinting to the aftermath of a spoiler in the manga that I imagined in my head to happen after! (If you know you know! 😉)


Chuuya ABSOLUTELY could not let Dazai see his face! As he desperately tried to wiggle his arm free from the suicidal maniac, whom he was head over heels in love with's grip, while doing everything in his power to hold back his tears.

But Dazai refused to let go.

"Chuuya... please wait-," he pleaded.

"WHY SHOULD I?! AFTER WHAT YOU- What you...". Chuuya's protest died down in his throat as he finally let his tears stream down his face. Dazai, for a moment, loosened his grip on his arm before gripping tightly again, 

"Chuuya... look at me". Chuuya shook his head, wiping his non-stop waterfall-like tears with his free wrist, letting out quiet sobs. Dazai let out a sigh before gently pulling Chuuya towards him till his hands were on his chest.


Dazai bent down swiftly cupping Chuuya's cheek before-??

Chuuya could not believe what was happening! Dazai was- he was- kissing him?? Chuuya hadn't really pondered much on how Dazai's lips must feel. Dry? Maybe. But it was, in fact, the complete opposite of what he had originally thought! Dazai's lips were soft! Almost frighteningly so.

Dazai waited. Not moving at all. Chuuya got the hint! He was waiting for him to...

Slowly but truly, Chuuya kissed back, letting his eyes fall close. Dazai opened his eyes, surprised that Chuuya actually kissed back. Slyly smirking into his mouth, he too kisses back, this time with more passion. Chuuya's brows furrow as he grips the front of Dazai's clothes, squeezing his eyes shut tighter, right when he feels something warm in his mouth. It was Dazai's tongue! He was practically prying open Chuuya's mouth! Chuuya lets out a sharp gasp at the feeling. It felt weird, but also... good...

The two idiots kissed for about a good whole minute until both had to pull away to catch their breaths. Staring into each other's eyes, love (and possibly a bit of lust 🤭) clouding their thoughts. Andddd~, Chuuya was the first to look away! An adorable blush had bloomed across his face, his eyes widening, before quickly turning his head away.

"Aww~ is chibi shy~?" Dazai cooed.

"Sh-Shut up..."



"Will you please look at me?"


"Or at least,... let me look at you?"

Chuuya slowly turned his head back, lifting his head up to look into that damned handsome face he had fallen in love with. Dazai smiled, genuinely smiled at him. From his perspective, he was looking into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen! Sure, Atsushi's eyes were quite unique and pretty, but even THEY, could not compare to Chuuya's beautiful ocean ones. He couldn't help but stare into them, losing himself in them.

"W-Why do you keep staring...?"

"Because chibi has beautiful eyes~".

Chuuya didn't think he could be flustered any further but his cheeks proved him wrong. Dazai snorted at his hatrack's reaction.

"Don't laugh you shithead!"

"Haha, alright, alright~".

"Damn you..."

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