The Argument

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I'M FINALLY BACK TO CONTINUING THIS STORY! SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU ALL WAITING! I took a break and went on vacation where I couldn't use my computer at all! 😖 I came back from it a few weeks ago but I didn't have much motivation until I realized I was very close to the good part of my story and my motivation skyrocketed! I hope you all understand and enjoy this chapter very much! It's time for the juicy shit! 😜

The sun was beginning to set, it would be dawn soon. This was good news for Dazai. After getting a brief explanation about his chibi's weird behavior earlier that morning, he'd spent the rest of the day coming up with a monologue on how to properly ask the hatrack what's been bothering him.  It's easier said than done though, and he knows that! His boyfriend is a member of the most dangerous group of gifted's in Yokohama, upholding a powerful position and reputation, a Mafia Executive! Plus the info he wants concerns himself! Dazai would be lying if he said that it was in any way easy to get the small, easily angered man to let such information slip. 

As soon as the sun hit the horizon, Dazai prepared to leave but was quickly stopped,


"Just hear me out, alright? I know it's not exactly my place to say this but... make sure you get through to him and make him understand how much you truly care for him, okay? That's what he needs now and for as long as you both are together, which I hope will be forever," she grins, letting out a small giggle at the sight of Dazai's cheeks turning a slight pink. Eyes wide, he quickly downcasts them, replying shyly, 

"Y-Yeah, thanks a lot..." 

Yosano stifles her giggles, now showing a smile before she steps aside, unblocking his exit. The two wave goodbye, wishing each other a good night. As soon as he steps out of the building, Dazai is met with a swift but strong cool breeze, unlike this morning, the weather had gone to being quite cool and windy, giving him a slight boost of calmness and confidence. It was time to finally find out the truth!

Chuuya's POV (Third Person):

Chuuya had been napping on his couch ever since he came home from running into Dazai. Mentally and physically exhausted, he crashed onto it, only again taking his hat and jacket off but this time not even bothering to hang them up, just draping them over the couch was enough. 

*Ding Dong* 

Someone's at the door...? 

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

Oh no.

Not right now, pleaseeee.

*Dingggg Dong*

"OKAY, OKAY! I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME YOU RANG!" Sure enough, the person standing at his front door was none other than the annoying bandage maniac, a huge stupid grin plastered across his face. "How many times do I have to tell you NOT to ring the damn doorbell so many times! It drives me nuts!" 

"Not my fault you didn't answer immediately," the taller points out cheekily, striding past the shorter who growls in annoyance. As he closes the door, Dazai, voice no longer carrying his usual smugness says the one thing he hoped he'd never say, "We should talk". 

Chuuya freezes for a fraction of a second, he knows the other noticed but plays it off anyway, turning around with a look of faked confusion. "About what?" 

"Don't play dumb with me, Chuuya. You know what I'm talking about," he's using his serious voice, "Why did you go to the agency without bothering to ask me to come with you? Why were you crying when I saw you and just ran away without giving me an explanation?"

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