Can't Believe I'm Asking For Advice

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Note: There is a part to this that I kind of made up😉

Chuuya woke up to the feeling of familiar arms embracing him. Their grip was firm but also gentle and loving.

He smiled.

When Dazai embraced him for the first time, Chuuya flinched. Surprised by the sudden contact, but allowed it. He looked over at his nightstand, the clock read 5 a.m., then looked back over at the man in question, still unaware that he had awoken the other. Chuuya, careful not to also wake him, eventually loosened his lover's embrace in order to shuffle the rest of his body out from under their covers. He got up, tiptoed to the other's side, then sat down on the edge, using his left arm as support, slightly leaned over him. Watching as his lover's chest rose and sank in sync with his breathing, his eyes filled with unconditional love. It was then that Chuuya also noticed that Dazai had taken his bandages off.

He'd seen them before, after a lot of convincing...

Dazai was very self-conscious of his scars, some caused by previous battles but most were... self-inflicted. When Dazai confided such information to him, Chuuya felt happy to know a little bit more about Dazai, but at the same time, he felt sad, guilty.

At first, Chuuya thought Dazai's bandages were just for style, a weird style to have at that. He had nitpicked at his bandages a lot in the past. Not anymore, not after learning about why Dazai really wore them. When Dazai felt comfortable enough to show him his scars, he let Chuuya take them off, too afraid to take them off himself in front of someone else. And Chuuya, when he took off the first wrap, kissed at the first scar his eyes were met with. Looking up to make sure he had permission, he was blessed with the sight of a flushed Dazai, who subtly nodded seeing Chuuya's expression. He vividly remembers unwrapping all the mackerel's bandages, kissing each and every scar he saw.

His reminiscing was soon cut short.

Now that Chuuya was wide awake, his mind came back to his previous thoughts before he decided to head to bed to try and sleep away those exact thoughts. He needed to consult with someone about why he was feeling... uh... the way he was feeling! He's never experienced this before! Although in reality he really just wanted to ignore it, he knew that he couldn't. He was responsible! He knew how to take care of himself! It was most likely not that serious so what's the harm in consulting with a professional doctor or whatever the proper career name for it was?

He looked back at his clock again, 5:30, Dazai had a routine of getting up at either 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning, which, if his friends found out, would absolutely lose their minds, especially Kunikida as those were about normal times for people to wake up to get ready to go to work. Thing is, Dazai, though he gets up early, waits until the last minute to get ready which results in him being EXTREMELY late!

Chuuya chuckled, letting a sigh follow. Seriously, the mackerel ought to fix his tardiness. Chuuya admired his boyfriend's face one last time, planting a kiss on his forehead, he stood up, he didn't have to change since he was in his work clothes, right? That's what he thought at first, untillll~, he realized that he is, in fact, NOT in his work clothes! But how?? He swore he went to bed with them on so how- unless... Dazai... had... OH. MY. GOD! Chuuya's face turned beet red.  

Quickly but silently, he changed into his work clothes, ran down the stairs into the kitchen, and began making breakfast for himself and Dazai, all with his face still as red as a tomato! 

~At around 6:30~

Dazai yawned as he stretched. Suddenly, his nose caught on to the smell of...

His favorite brand of canned crab cooked?!

In a flash, Dazai threw the covers off and raced down the stairs to the kitchen where his breakfast was awaiting him!

There it was, in all its ✨glory!✨

Dazai's mouth began to water as he walked towards his breakfast. Right before he touched it, however, he caught sight of a note sitting next to it. Figuring it was from Chuuya, Dazai resisted the urge to just eat his food right then and there and read the note after.

He picked it up.

Written in a very neat and unique manner that only Chuuya possessed, the note read,

Good morning, Dazai! I hope you enjoy the breakfast that I made for you! I'd originally wanted to make something a little more fancier, but, since canned crab is your favorite, and I had to sort of leave before you had woken up, I just decided to go with it! Adding a few little seasonings and flavoring here and there, which, I hope you don't mind.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why I had to leave, just- don't worry about it! It's nothing serious or anything! Plus, I'm off work today from the Port Mafia, so, I'll probably just be out and about in the city. If you need anything just call me! But only if it's SERIOUS! Do NOT call ME for something STUPID like you ALWAYS do! OKAY?! PLEASE! JUST THIS ONCE? If you do, I'LL KICK YOUR ASS WHEN I COME HOME!

🧡 Chuuya

Dazai chuckled at the lack of the word, "Love", instead replaced with an orange heart. Chuuya was still a bit nervous and unready to explicitly say that he loved Dazai, even though on the night of their confession, he'd said it once, it took a lot more guts than he thought it would. Lucky for him, Dazai didn't need him to. He knew Chuuya loved him through his actions. After all, it's like they say, "Actions speak louder than words". Dazai would have to remember later to thank Chuuya for leaving a note and cooking breakfast for him. 

With that out of the way, Dazai sat down, clapping his hands together said, "Thank you for the food!" before taking a bite.

Chuuya's POV (Third Person):

In Chuuya's situation, one of his colleagues most likely would have recommended him to see a therapist, but Chuuya didn't exactly have the patience to sit and talk with someone for too long. So, with no better alternative, he went to see the only person closest to a therapist, at best, that he could think of. Which is why he was currently standing in front of the ADA. Chuuya could have easily barged in uninvited, but now that he is dating Dazai, he has chosen to become more respectful to his boyfriend's colleagues. Plus, they trusted and respected him more now as well. A voice came from the other side it sounded like...

The door swung open, "Oh! It's you, Mr. Nakahara! What are you doing here?" It was the young weretiger of the agency (a.k.a. Akutagawa's boyfriend 😏), Atsushi Nakajima. Chuuya resists the urge to sound annoyed at having not been met with who he was expecting, 

"Drop the formalities kid, I told you that you can just call me Chuuya". The weretiger's face flushes a soft shade of pink, rubbing the back of his neck in slight nervousness, 

"Ah, right! So, what are you doing here, Chuuya?"

"Is Yosano here?"

His sudden question surprised Atsushi for a moment, who then nodded, "Uh, yeah, she's here. Did you want to see her?" Chuuya would have responded with, "Obviously! Why else would I be here??", but refrained in the case of accidentally scaring the younger, instead responding with a, 

"Yes, could you take me to her, please?"

"O-Of course! Just follow me!" Atsushi politely gestured for him to come inside which Chuuya did, following him up the stairs, through a hallway, then stopped in front of a door. "She's usually in her office at around this time," Atsushi commented before gently knocking. A gentle, "Come in~," and Atsushi twisted the knob.

"Hi, Yosano!"

"Hey Atsushi~ and..."

Chuuya stepped out from behind Atsushi, revealing himself, "Chuuya Nakahara! What a pleasant surprise~! I hope you've come here for me to... treat you~". 

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