ᄂ𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙙𝙖𝙮

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"Tommy. Tommy listen to me, he is the contractor." Joel spoke.

"He's the contractor okay? I can't loose this job." Joel said with desperation as Tommy continued to speak on the other end.

"I understand.... Let's talk about this in the morning okay?" He continued as he lit up the end table lamp accidentally waking his sleeping daughter.

"We'll talk about it in the morning. Alright goodnight." He ended as he noticed his daughter, Sarah still up.

"Hey." She greeted him still waking up not realizing what time it was at all.

"Scoot." He commanded her as she moved so he could plop down onto the couch as he sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Fun day at work, huh?" She said sarcastically as Joel sighed again questioning her "What are you still doing up? It's late."

"Oh crud. What time is it?" Sarah replied panicked as she went to look at the clock footed on the wall.

"It's way past your bedtime..." He said tiredly "But it's still today" She replied as she scooted off the couch scrambling to get his birthday gift.

"Honey, please not right now. I do not have the energy for this." He relayed to the teen as she finally found the box and gave it to him with a smile "Here." She said catching Joel's interest.

"What's this?" He questioned as his daughter handed him the box "Your birthday." She replied sweetly as Joel gave her a half smile before turning back to the tiny white box opening it revealing a watch.

"You kept complaining about your broken watch..." She explained as he picked up the watch "...So I figured, y'know."

"You like it?" She asked with a smile as he fastened it to his wrist.

"Honey, this is... It's nice but I-" He tried explaining to her as her face twisted in confusion "What?" She asked.

"-I think it's stuck..It's not -" Joel explained as she panicked thinking it broke as she realized he was only playing a prank as her face softened "Oh. Ha ha." She said sarcastically pushing his arm as she went to lay on the other side of the couch.

"Where did you get the money for this?" He questioned confused as he looked over at his daughter.

"Drugs. I sell hardcore drugs." She joked "Oh, good. You can start help out with the mortgage then." He said with struggle in his voice as he went to go grab the TV remote on the coffee table.

"Pfff- yeah. You wish." She replied back looking forward to the TV that had been turned on.


Sarah has fallen asleep on the couch again as Joel took notice of this as he got up and headed to the other side of the couch as he picked Sarah up walking her to her own bed.

When he finally arrived in her bedroom he laid her down gently as he tucked her in "Goodnight, babygirl." He said softly as he tucked a loose piece of hair away from her face before leaving.


Awhile later a phone rang out by Sarah's bedside table making her shift in her sleep. But as it went on she was forced to wake up and answer the phone that was ringing.

"Hello?" She replied confused as Tommy started to speak frantically "Sarah. Honey. I need you to get your daddy on the phone."

"Uncle Tommy? What time is it..." She replied still half asleep but panic evident in her voice.

"I need to talk to your dad now. There's some ---" Tommy continued speaking but the line quickly got cut off as Sarah was left in confusion.

"Uncle Tommy? Hello?" She tried talking but quickly realized she wasn't gonna get anywhere as she hung the phone up as she decided to haul herself out of bed to go get her dad as she was already confused and scared enough.

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