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"You won't have to look very far." Marlene, leader of the fireflies spoke out in a hushed tone.

Joel raised his eyebrows in surprise, "There you go, queen firefly."

"Why are you here?" Marlene questioned the pair.

"Business. You aren't looking so hot." Tess replied back, noticing the obvious red stain on the females jacket.

"Where's Robert?" Marlene questioned, Tess moving out of the way with a sarcastic smile on her face.

Marlene chuckled at this, "I needed him alive."

"The guns he gave you. They weren't his to sell, I want them back." Tess deadpanned as the silence settled between the three.

"Doesn't work like that, Tess." Marlene replied back, gazing back into Tess's eyes that glared sharp daggers into hers, "The hell it doesn't."

"I paid for those guns. You want 'em back? You're gonna have to earn 'em" Marlene explained, slowly approaching the two.

Tess looked back at Joel, the two considering it as Tess whipped back around, "How many cards are we talking about?"

Marlene shook her head, "I don't give a damn about ration cards. I need a few things snuggled out of the city. You do that-- I'll give your guns back and then some." Marlene ended, shaking her head in confirmation.

"How do we know you got 'em?" Joel questioned, wondering if there even were any guns to give back, "Way I hear it, the militarys been wiping you guys out."

Marlene sighed in defeat, "You're right about that. I'll show you the weapons." Marlene nodded, the ground suddenly being startled by military men.

"I gotta move." Marlene quickly spoke to the pair, "What's it gonna be?"

Tess and Joel shared a look, nodding their heads in confirmation at one another and followed Marlene's lead.

"I wanna see those guns." Tess added.

. . .

By the time the group had arrived to the destination, Marlene was running on fumes, Tess and Joel were just wondering what the hell they were snuggling that was worth all this trouble.

Just as the door was clicked open, Marlene fell to her knees as she let out a breath of exhaustion.

Joel was next to her, clearly concerned as he had tried to help her up but was quickly surprised with two little voices instead.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Two teens yelled out, charging with knifes as Tess quickly put a stop to it, grabbing the kids hands and holding them tight.

"Let them go." Marlene commanded, worry in her voice as the teens shoved their hands away from the unknown lady.

"Who the hell are these people?" You questioned, anger in your voice as you and your sister looked at Marlene for any answer.

Joel looked baffled at the sight of you two, "You're recruiting kinda young, aren't you?" He sarcastically whispered to the female.

Marlene nodded her head, "They're not mine."

The two of you finally backed off from the unknown adults, clearly worried about Marlene, "Shit, What happened?" Ellie questioned, concern laced in her voice.

Marlene swatted you two away lightly, "Don't worry, this is fixable. I got us help." She breathed out, motioning towards Tess and Joel.

"But I can't come with you two." Marlene finally admitted, dropping the big bomb as the two of you looked puzzled.

"Well then we're staying." You and Ellie stubbornly said, shaking your heads.

"Y/n. Ellie. We won't get another shot at this." Marlene pleaded, your guy's stubborn nature was gonna be the death of her one day.

"Wait--- Were smuggling them?" Joel budded in, pointing at the two of you.

You rolled your eyes at this, "Yeah, bucko. Guess so."

Joel gave you a dead look as Ellie snorted, whispering something incoherent to you, out of hearing range of the adults.

"Hey, Y/n. Don't get snappy." Marlene sternly reprimanded you, sighing out as she continued, "There's a crew of Fireflies that'll meet you at the Capitol building."

Tess scoffed, "That's not exactly close."

"You're capable." Marlene replied back.

"You hand them off, come back, the weapons are yours." Marlene repeated again.

You played with your hands as this happened, feeling nervous about the whole thing as you and Ellie walked away, sitting on some old chairs, sighing out in boredom.

"Double what Robert sold me." Marlene ended, being cut off by Tess as she angrily exclaimed her next sentence, "Speaking of which -- where are they?"

"Back in our camp." She replied.

Joel scoffed, making Tess shake her head as she looked back over at Marlene, "We're not snuggling shit until I see them."

Marlene sighed out, "You'll follow me. You can verify the weapons, I can get patched up."

"But they're not crossing to that side of town." Marlene ended, pointing at the two of you over in the chairs, "I want Joel to watch over them."

Joel perked up at this request, "Whoa, whoa. I don't think that's the best idea."

You both angrily pushed your chairs back, sitting up, "Bullshit! We're not going with him!" Ellie yelled out, speaking for the both of you.

"Girls." Marlene cut in, staring at you two with a pleading look on her face.

You and Ellie sighed, "How do you even know them, Marlene?" You questioned.

"I was close with his brother, Tommy. Said if I was ever in a jam I could rely on him." Marlene said, trying to calm the both of you down.

Joel sighed, "Was that before or after he left your little militia group?"

"He left you too. He was a good man." Marlene replied back, you and Ellie nervously watched as the two adults bickered.

"Look, just take them to the north tunnel and wait for me there." Tess whispered over to Joel, nodding her head.

Joel was reluctant, nodding his head in a no motion, "Jesus Christ..."

"They're just cargo, Joel." Tess shrugged.

"Marlene..." You and Ellie protested, quickly getting cut off, "No more talking.." She whispered back at the two of you.

"You two will be fine, you have eachother." Marlene ended, nodding her head in confirmation, sighing out as she strained getting up.

"Now go with him." She nodded.

Joel nodded his head at Tess, "Don't take long. And you two-- stay close."

With anxiety filling your body, you and Ellie reluctantly left Marlene's side and shuffled out the door with Joel.

. . .

Short chapter, but this was kind of a filler before a lot of it goes down.


Next chapter should be written this weekend or next week. (Or it may take awhile, depending on my motivation levels)

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