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'The number of confirmed deaths has passed two hundred. The Governor has called a state of emergency.'


'There were hundreds of bodies lining the streets.'


'Panic spread worldwide after a leaked report from the World Health Organization showed that the lastest vaccination tests have failed.'


'With the bureaucrats out of power we can finally take the necessary steps to.---'


'Los Angeles is now the latest city to be placed under martial law. All residents are required to report to their designated quarantine.---'


'Riots have continued for a third consecutive day and winter rations are at an all time low.'


'A group calling themselves the Fireflies have claimed responsibility for both attacks.'


'Demonstrations broke out following the execution of six more alleged Fireflies.'


"You can still rise with us."

"Remember, when you're lost in the darkness..."

"...Look for the light."

"Believe in the fire flies."


Summer -20yearslater.

Joel awoke. Breathing heavily coming back down from a nightmare as a banging could be heard from the front door.

He sat up with a sigh as he started trudging towards the door as his footsteps rang out throughout the empty apartment he was staying in as the knocking got worse.

"I'm coming!" He yelled out irritated by the consistent knocking on his door. He made his way to the door as he unlocked it and opened the door revealing Tess with a bruised up face.

"How was your morning?" She asked sarcastically as she waltzed her way into his apartment stopping by the table as she quickly noticed the alcohol, grabbing it and pouring it into a small glass.

"Want one?" She offered Joel as she finished pouring. Joel looked at it considering it for a moment "No. I don't...want one." He replied back awkwardly.

"Well I have some interesting news for you." Tess spoke up as she squished the drink around in it's cup as she faces him leaning against the table.

"Where were you Tess?" Joel questioned with a hint of anger in his voice "West End district..." She paused as Joel sighed "Hey we had a drop to make" She finished as she took a sip of her alcohol.

"We." He said angered as he walked towards her rag in hand "We had a drop to make." He finished while Tess swiped the rag away as she glared at him.

"Yeah, well you wanted to be left alone remember?" She replied snarky as Joel turned away for a minute to collect his thoughts as Tess started to treat her bruise.

"So, I'll take one guess... the whole deal went south, and the Client made off with our pills." He explained as he set his hands on his kitchen island before he pushed himself against it bouncing himself off to look at Tess again as Tess let out a chuckle.

【Long gone】 - ᴛʟᴏᴜ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now